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Fear of Singing
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Fear of Singing

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"fear of singing" & "an awful voice" = apples & oranges

"Rock is about finding who you are," Gene Simmons

"Use what talent you possess. The woods would be very
silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
- Henry Van Dyke

Let it rock....

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 10264

Karaoke's not a bad idea for would-be singers....first time I ever sang in public was my 30th birthday, it happened to be a friday...and friday night was disco/karaoke night in the local....anyway, having had a few beers, I sloped off to the be greeted by the DJ on my way back, "Right, the birthday boy's here, he's going to do a song for us....." - first I knew about it! Karaoke was in it's infancy then, and there weren't that many songs I could do...I plumped for Be=bop-a-lula, and the DJ put a shedload of echo on it....the mates were dumbstruck, they wanted to take the you-know-what but didn't get a chance, it went down so well....

The only downsidw to karaoke is, you have to find a song that's in the right key for you....I used to have a shortlist, Back in the USSR, Still Rock'n'Roll to me, You've lost that lovin' feelin' (I still smile every time I watch Top Gun!) Take it Easy, Get it On, Alright Now, Eloise (The Barry Ryan version) and I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends...the Joe Cocker version....

One night I actually won a competition.....and the DJ asked, for the final song, the best male singer and the best female singer to do the final song....then started the backing track to "You'll Never Walk Alone" a Liverpool fan, that song is very close to my heart so after a few beers you can imagine how I belted that one out....

I'd say if you're a little short of self-confidence, why not give it a go? Go somewhere nobody knows you, do your best and give it everything....hell you might even enjoy it.....

And what have you got to lose?

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 8184

I'm sorry- I posted the previous under guest. I forgot to log in. :oops:
On a side note, Welcome to Guitar Noise and how did you post without logging in. I can't even read a thread without logging in?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5349

As for dealing with fears, there are a number of ways to deal with them but gradual exposure works best in general. Toi put it simple, start singing for yourself when noone is around, then later sing when someone is in another room, and slowly build it up till you sing when one person is in the room. Then build that up, the family, a BBQ with friends, a mini open-mic etc.

The basic idea of how stage fright works is very similar to the conditioning of animals (pavlov and such). In this case you're afraid of shame and by not singing in front of others you 'reward' yourself by not getting ashamed and not singing in front of others becomes a habit and alternatives are frightening. By slowly expsoing yourself to wahetever your scared of and realising it ain't that bad you can slowly break the fear down. Suddenly singing in a arena to thousands of people will propabably not work since that would be so frightening that you'd not perform that well and you feel ashamed, reinforcing the habit.

So to put it simple: get out and do it, but take small steps. No guarantees, but it should work. :lol:

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