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Ghost Letter Yr3 We...
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Ghost Letter Yr3 Week 3

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k this isnt very good....and obviously no bodys really gunna know the source because its a personal thing....but its about all the notes and peices of writing me and my girlfriend sent to each other or people sent to us etc.....sorry if this isnt what was asked 4.....i juss got a bit confused :cry:

Ghost Letters

Each word holds something inside
As if the ink was tears from our eyes
Im holding on to each and every line
Like they are every moment of our lives

And its comming back to me
All the time lost in my heart
And Im falling to my knees
Cuz its ripping me apart

It was through all these broken words
That I found out the person you were
I remember every drop of hurt
All the poison that still curses by blood

And all this time i prey
That it might just go away
But i let it take a hold of me
Cuz it was all that i could be

Rain Shadow

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The lyrics certainly have a heart-wringing tone to them, very evoctive and heart-felt....only thing I'm not sure about is the structure...v,c,v,v... maybe another chorus or two? was even more confusing till I worked out that the lyrics at the bottom were part of your know, the bits in between the + signs....they seem to fit in well!!!!

Now that I've re-read it, and sorted out song from signature, maybe you'd like to work on the structure....Maybe V, V, C, V, repeated chorus would work.....

Just my thoughts anyway....

:) :) :)


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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cheers yeah sorry bout the signature thing.....n about the structure.....well that was kinda an accident...i just forgot to add a C between the last to V' its actually supposed to be V C V C V ...typa thing... :roll:
Thanks tho m8!!



Rain Shadow

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Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 235

How amusing! I got it as V1, CH1, V2, CH2!

Still, however it's structured - it's still good. Like Vic says, the words are filled with emotion.

'the ink was tears from our eyes' is brilliant.

Well done on the song!

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