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SSG Year 10 Week 25
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SSG Year 10 Week 25

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Illustrious Member
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I just washed my car. By just washed my car I mean I took it and drove it through the car wash. It's nothing like the good old days when you washed it by hand with a bucket, sponge and hose. Then came the waxing and buffing, which as I remember was a real pain in the butt. But the end product was you had something cool, clean and shiny to drive around it. You could cruise the main street, top down with your best girl by your side and be proud. I used to drive this:

Oh the stories I could tell. And that my friends is this weeks assignment. Your first car and a story you could tell.

If you don't have one or never had one write instead about your dream car.

Reputable Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 328

looking forward to it!
