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Hi Everyone

Suddenly hit me this week how time is flying for this year as we're approaching week 21 of this SSG. So I thought that a good topic for this week's assignment would be time. I'd like a song please using imagery, themes etc from time - so clockfaces, second hand, time flies, frozen in time - that sort of thing. Seems approriate as we in the UK put our clocks forward an hour for British Summertime.

I'm sure you'll get the idea.

Good writing

Bob :wink:

My Soundclick Page

You are what you eat, eat well

Reputable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 350

I thought America was the only country that did day-light savings time.

I've always thought it was kind of stupid. You ask any person in America why we actually do it and everyone will either tell you they don't know or give an answer different from everyone else. Yet still it goes on.

"Like the coldest winter chill. Heaven beside you. Hell within." -Jerry Cantrell

Honorable Member
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Actually daylight savings time is pretty common world wide in both hemispheres, but there are parts of the US that do not participate. I believe Indiana (rather, parst of the state) has only recently decided to adopt this practice. I'm sure there is a thorough definition on-line somewhere that can do a better job explaining it, but the basic idea is that moving the clocks gives us more sunlight during times that we can actually use/enjoy it.

Ice cream is a dish best served cold.

Famed Member
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OHH the beauty of living in sunny Queensland Australia

The only state in Oz that does not have day light saving

and do you want to kow why ?

1/ the farmers would be milking the cows too early

2/ the house wives complained that sun would fade the curtains

just two of the things that were banished around last time Queenslanders had daylight saving :wink:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am
