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Y10W17 song for the insane; a matter of time; a prayer

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three ideas

song for the insane
it's only a matter of time
a prayer a pledge and a presentation

What happened immediately before?
A visit to George's sister, Carrie, at the mental health facility. Carrie didn't recognize George or his wife Thelma and just stared at the white plaster ceiling. Carrie is in perfect condition physically, but does not respond to anything but her dreams when she sleeps. She talks, moves and sings in her dreams. George sat solemnly in the red vinyl chair with no armrest's leaning heavily on the aluminum rail by Carrie's bedside. He did not utter a word. George stared out the window at the oak tree with gray Spanish moss hanging down from the branches. It was winter and all the leaves were gone from the tree, branches stark with only a cardinal. George couldn't look at the blank expression on his sister's face. Thelma stood and leaned against the door frame waiting for the hour to end so she could leave the hospital and smoke her Camel cigarettes. Thelma didn't like Carrie and barely spoke to her before she was committed to the mental institution. Thelma want's things to change but keeps doing the same thing. Seeking a man to fill her needs and her voids, to be perfect, a knight in shining armor to rescue her from her self-made misery with a foundation of cigarettes and alcohol.

What's about to happen?
Thelma is about to announce to George that she can't live with him any more and that she is leaving. Her life is somewhere outside of the ever-closing circle of George's world. The female cardinal will chirp looking for her mate. The nurse, wearing a pastel green uniform and white Reebok tennis shoes is about to enter to ask George and Thelma to leave. Visiting hours are over. George wants to tell Carrie that he loves her, but can't, words he has never uttered before. George is about to cry, but won't. Carrie will blink her eyes. George will leave to go the Royal Order club meeting which always start's with the standard Lord's Prayer, pledge of allegiance and a presentation of the state of the lodge. George will sit in the back to drown his sorrows in whiskey like the last five year series of blurred meetings. This will be different, George will meet Jim. Jim stopped drinking and smoking years ago and tells George about a different meeting of others who stopped drinking. George asks if he can go.

Who is there?
The nurse's name is Brenda, Brenda's shift is almost over and she needs to get home, not to take care of her two kids but to open the medicine cabinet to take a pill and make it go away.

Why is this happening?
Carrie is diagnosed and being treated based on current 1950's knowledge for insanity. George, Thelma, and Brenda have their share of mental illness that has gone undiagnosed and is displayed with depression, alcohol and drug addiction. It's a matter of time until something breaks. They keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. Prayers, pledges and presentations are not part of their lives.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 5381

excellent stuff
