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Y8week15 grinning b...
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Y8week15 grinning bear

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late late late.... :oops: grin and bear it.. grin and bear.. grin'n'bear.. grinning bear :lol: or, alternative title, "to be a good sport"... or whatever, really :lol:

Grinning Bear

You beam at your three-hour friend,
Across the pub from me

I order ginger ale and a surprise egg,
It takes Julia twenty minutes
To explain bingo to me

You did stop to talk nonsense
In the hallway

I hear you laugh and count hours
So I cycle home quarter to one
Through new snow

I won't run waving flags this time
I won't send up flares past midnight
Or in broad daylight

I might fall just before the finishing line
Giggling and remembering-when
As long as you have that accent
And that boyish grin

But I won't wave any flags this time
For I like to think that I can take a hint

Having once spent two years competing
With family and friends
And never coming in even second,
I like to think I've learned my lesson.

a bit clumsy here and there, but will have to do for now as i'm off to Stockholm for 2 weeks from tomorrow on :D

"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

Famed Member
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Hi Straycat,

Good start :D It seems like a long build up to outline some tension or feelings kept inside, but then stops a bit abruptly. It has an unfinsihed feel to it. It kind of ends on a flashback that a lesson about "not competing" is learned, but I'm missing the connection that brings the reference back into the current conflict or situation the singer is grinning and bearing about. I like the title BTW.

Hope you enjoyed your travels. :D


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thanks, the two weeks were perfect, i'm still head over heels for stockholm :D

ah, yes, i can see how someone else (not being in my head :lol: ) could get lost in the vague links between the verses...
well, let's see.

v1-v4 all refer to the same present tense situation of seeing someone you thought you were getting to know sit in a pub getting to know someone else.
and as soon as it's clear that that "getting to know" the other person is really hitting on her ( :roll: ), the observing persona leaves the pub and decides not to compete.

v5-v7 is about that decision and the person it refers to.

v8 is about why the persona made that decision. it's based on past experiences, obviously.

so... er... that's what i was thinking. wonder how i can make it clearer?


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin
