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Y8week40 it never rains but

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a longish muddled one again, sorry! my wellington boots just carried me away :D

it never rains but

watching a piano between crooked ocean teeth
to the dismay of a single silent hobbit face
on a stranger's computer screen
through a gap between IC seats
on my way to Austria
to visit a lost brother
with presents in my backpack
and Kevin Devine on repeat, he

strums the guitar like a rain cloud

and the shards of prison bars
pour down around me
like that woman wrote in that magazine
geez, is this
after weeks at friends', at my parents', at concerts and restaurants
but she
also wrote
you gotta step back before tapping the glass
and ask yourself
do you really want out of this

and, no-oh, for now i am content with
Lost episodes on strange computer screens
with mouths and waves all singing like Kevin

so let it all
rain down on me,
melodies and prison bars,
maternal depression fits,
the longing to call friends overseas and not care for the money
so let it all
rain down on me
i'll sit real quiet
illuminating cloud city
with wistful smiles
from my umbrella boat, i'll conquer the world
oh, and in the charm of the moment, Denis' poor magic tricks will work
and i'll laugh my lungs off
then i won't need to cough
up no worries
no more
they just won't find any
tree to nest in
no more

so, ha, i bet you'd laugh or scowl
but so do i, only both at the same time
and Kevin Devine rains down on my naked hands
let him, let them, let it all
rain down on me,
i can take it
i could do with some loneliness, a second to catch my breath

and Annika will save me
in September
at any rate.

i wanted to take half a proverb for teh title, but "it never rains but it pours" might not be the most appropriate... also thought of (into every life) "a little rain must fall" or "rain before seven" (fine before eleven) as titles... opinions?
(also, in case you were curious, Annika = Annika Norlin, as in :note1: Hello Saferide and :note2: Säkert! :wink: .. and while i'm on it, here's kevin devine)


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

Famed Member
Joined: 16 years ago
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Hi Straycat,

It's a nice group of images :D ....some optimism on during a busy time that it won't always be like that.

I like what you were trying to accomplish with the title as well about "it never rains but it pours"

I liked the links of Hello Saferide and Kevin Devine.

Thanks for sharing.


Noble Member
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ta! :D


"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin
