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Bowling for Soup - Belgium Strumming

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Hi All . . . I'm working on teaching myself Belgium (the acoustic version) by Bowling for Soup (hey, its a band that I like and they posted the tab to their own song on their web page). I can play it fairly well as is, but I'm having trouble finding a strumming pattern that works. I can't seem to quite "hear" their pattern in the song. Does ANYONE have a clue about the strumming pattern or some suggestions?

I know that this appears to be a fairly narrow question.


Ever notice that the world "listen" contains the same letters as "silent"?

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 106

strumming is something i find hard to explain how to do. i remember when i learned, it just kind of "clicked" and i've never really had trouble finding a strumming pattern since. one thing you can do is just move your strumming hand up and down over the strings to the rhythm of the song without playing notes. that'll give you the basic time signature of the song. after that, listen to the song very closely and you should be able to figure out the rest of the pattern. i know that isn't that helpful, but maybe someone else can give you a better clue. :roll:

"Heavy decibels are playing on my guitar
We got vibrations comin' up from the floor
We're just listenin' to the rock
That's givin' too much noise....
Rock and roll ain't noise pollution"
