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I have been playing the guitar for a little while and havent taken any lessons for monetary reasons. Any how i have learned the notes and could already read music, but I cant seen to strike the right string when playing. When i go to strike a note, i hit the wrong string. Like when i go to play a C I hit the 1st string and play an E. What can I do to stop this.

Illustrious Member
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You have to learn to place your hand so that it knows where it is. You have to find an anchor point.

Bear in mind that, whatever I say, there will be others who disagree - and give good reasons for the point of view that they represent. To some respect, I am right and so are they - but, then again, I am wrong and so are they. Whatever advice we give is only good as far as it helps you.

I know it sounds silly and confusing, but what I'm trying to tell you is, that, yes, there is a "correct" way to position your hand, but the route to reaching that "correct" position is a matter of personal preference (and ability).

Guitar playing should be fun and improvement should be a positive achievement. So, if bettering yourself means taking a slightly unconventional route, then so be it.

Look at the different alternatives and decide which you feel is best for your own improvement - give every one a try.

So, having gone off at a huge tangent, I'll suggest that you start by resting your picking hand just behind the bridge. Eventually, once you have this position fixed in your "muscle memory", you'll find that it comes naturally, even if your hand is nor resting on the strings behind the bridge.

Good luck and keep practicing.

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Right on Greybeard.

Fretting hand and picking hand coordination tends to be one of those things that just takes time. There are tricks, positions, anchor points, but I tend to believe that most people pick those up subconsciously.

On the flip side, if you're really struggling, create some exercises for yourself: hold a chord shape and then practice strumming only certain strings on that chord shape, say strings 5 through 2. Do it 100 times and you'll see improvement.

Good luck.

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Also, practice very slowly and examine your finger movement.
Have a clear mental picture of where your fingers should go before you try to put them there.

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