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First, welcome to GN.
You only must change slightly your middle and ring fingers one string, remove the index, and put the pinky in the first string. When you come from the C chord it is easier than the normal fingering.

I wish I had done this when I started! I use my ring finger instead of the pinky. I try to practice this but the fingers just don't get it? It will take me a very long time to retrain my fingers. Bob Jessie

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You will not need too many time. I also learned he 'normal' fingering the first time I learned guitar. Now I use both depending on the the previous and next chords. For example, if I go to/come from C I use the pinky. When I play D I use the pinky. When I play F... I play a barre G!

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You will not need too many time. I also learned he 'normal' fingering the first time I learned guitar. Now I use both depending on the the previous and next chords. For example, if I go to/come from C I use the pinky. When I play D I use the pinky. When I play F... I play a barre G!

Right! The guy I play with told me about this. I think a song like "Get off of my cloud" was the first I noticed him doing it and then I asked him about it. The song is basically C to F to G to F to C again. He told me it was much easier to switch the chords usuing his pinky on the G.

When I play F... I play a barre G - you know, I never thought of changing this way! Thanks for the tip!

Bob Jessie

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Bob, it doesn't sound exactly in the same way but they are the same chord (the same notes). Sometimes you want that voicing but if it is not important or it sounds good you can use the chord that is easier at each moment.

I play a Spanish song (Insurrección) that the verses are C, F, C, F..., the chorus has a C to G (and I use the pinky) and the bridge has a F to G and I use the barre. Wonderful tonight is another example, sometimes I use the pinky, sometimes I use the ring and I use a half barre for the chorus if I am fingerpicking.

You are welcome! :D

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First, welcome to Guitar Noise and congrats on taking up the guitar.

Second, everything you are going through right now is completely normal. Every beginner has difficulty fretting chords, strumming, keeping time..... Guitar will play with your mind and can fill you with many doubts and insecurities. How do I know? I know because I have been playing over 35 years and guitar still plays with my mind! :D

If guitar (or any instrument) were easy, everybody would be a musician. You have to be mentally tough to play guitar. You have to be a person who never gives up. Because I can tell you right now, guitar will always be presenting a new problem or difficulty to overcome. That's just how it is, so accept that right now. Learn to be patient. If you practice consistently, you will consistently improve. But improvement is slow, or let me say it seems slow. You don't notice it. But if you were to record your playing today, and then record yourself six months from now with consistent practice, I promise you will hear a big improvement.

Guitar is just not one of those instruments you learn in a few weeks or months. To really master guitar, it takes a LIFETIME.

As I wrote earlier, I have been playing over 35 years. I am willing to bet that is far longer than your present age. And know what? I still haven't mastered the guitar. I still practice diligently to improve, and I still have days that frustrate me. But I have learned to keep pushing forward, and I know if I keep practicing, I will improve.

Guitar is not a destination, it is a long journey. Learn to enjoy every moment of the trip. :D

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

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Thanks for the greeting Wes, but . . .

"As I wrote earlier, I have been playing over 35 years. I am willing to bet that is far longer than your present age."

I hope you didnt bet the house . . . Im 41 :shock:

I probably come across as much younger here; I have ADHD , which means I have the attention span of a 10-year-old and the "frustration tolerance" of the same :lol:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 5582

You got me there Redd

But I have been playing most of your life. :D

I was looking on YouTube for something to compare playing guitar to, and ran across this great video.

Playing guitar is just like learning to ride a bike, except it takes many years and you have lots more crashes. :D

Just stay at it, that is the only secret there is. You will improve if you keep practicing.

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

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Wes, today is your day:

"Guitar is not a destination, it is a long journey. Learn to enjoy every moment of the trip."

"Playing guitar is just like learning to ride a bike, except it takes many years and you have lots more crashes."

Great sentences!

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I was looking on YouTube for something to compare playing guitar to, and ran across this great video.
Hey, great video. Brings back memories of a short 2 years ago teaching my daughter to ride her bike. I can remember repeating to her to calm her frustration that she will just one time start riding and will wonder mere seconds later how it could have been so difficult to not be able to ride.

We worked for about a week looking exactly like that video. Then one day, I asked if she wanted to give it a go again that day. That's the day she got on the bike, I was ready to steady her, and she just took off like she had been riding for years.

You put it there in nice perspective giving the analogy of learning to ride a bike. I certainly hope that guitar is the same way. Your post gives us new guys some confidence that we can do this thing called the guitar. At least it has given me confidence that I will learn it for sure with the reminder of how it was teaching my daughter how to ride.

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Bob, it doesn't sound exactly in the same way but they are the same chord (the same notes). Sometimes you want that voicing but if it is not important or it sounds good you can use the chord that is easier at each moment.
You are welcome! :D

Nuno, I know (G Barre is a differenrt voicing). It's good to know that I have option if I ever need it.

Bob Jessie

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Posts: 1882

I was looking on YouTube for something to compare playing guitar to, and ran across this great video.

And, in case the music in that video inspires someone to do some strummin', here's the tab.

I wrapped a newspaper ’round my head
So I looked like I was deep

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