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Oh, Timing, Timing,...
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Oh, Timing, Timing, Timing...

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When I do strum patterns with a metronome, I can keep time ok most of the time.

I've recently started taking lessons, and the teacher asked me to work on a chromatic finger excercise, walking down the entire fretboard, using 16th notes (i.e. 4 notes per metronome tick). I am finding it very difficult to keep time for this. It seems like my internal rhythm/count is off .. I have trouble locking in to the metronome click, and even if I do, I start drifting.

Does anyone have any tricks to suggest (other than practice, practice, practice, which I am doing as much as I can.) It's a little frustrating..

"Life is either an adventure or nothing" -- Helen Keller

Illustrious Member
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Isolate the picking hand.

Dampen all the strings with your fretting hand, then alternate pick on one string, keeping a 16th note rhythm against the metronome.

Once you can do that, you're ready to coordinate the hands.

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Isolate the picking hand.

Dampen all the strings with your fretting hand, then alternate pick on one string, keeping a 16th note rhythm against the metronome.

Thanks, I will try that!

It makes a lot of sense. When I first learned many years ago, I was never taught alternate picking. So I've always played primarily with downward picking. The right hand motion is new to me, so when I read your reply a light just went on in my head!

"Life is either an adventure or nothing" -- Helen Keller
