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Ok I have an extremely stupid question but i was just curious, I think that if i do start a band in the near future i will try to be the lead vocalist, and my question is, is there a certain technique to '' Screaming", also is there any way i could improve my singing voice?? Any suggestions would help thanx

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In order to scream properly you have to be really scared lol. I'm no help in the screaming area. But it is my experience that in order for it to come out it has to be in you to start with. To me singing is part God given talent, part emotion and a small part training. you could record yourself singing so you'll have an idea of what you need to work on. Nothin like hearing yourself on a recording to open your eyes. singing/voice lessons could help.

Tim Madsen
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until they know how much you care.

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Your setting your self up for a fall. First "screaming" is very likly to injure your vocal cords if it's done incorectly. DON'T do it unless you get some lessons.

You need to learn how to warm up the voice. Then you need to establish your range but ONLY after you are properly warmed up. Then try not to get into the upper fifth of your range with any power. Transpose your music to suit your range if your singing lead. You need to pratice your singing as much if not more than your playing. Singing is a physical activity just like running or weightlifing. Do it wrong and you WILL hurt yourself.

You need to learn how to breath efficently. There are just to many things to go into here. You should realy seek out a good teacher. It's not something you can learn off the net. Your teacher needs to hear you and make adjustments according to YOUR voice.

I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride. (Jerry Garcea)

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I had to cut the last post short. I've been primarily a singer for the last 35 years. I started training when I was in middle school and I am in my mid fourtys now. I have sang classicly (Opera), stage (musical theater), church, rock, country, blues, and bluegrass. I still do community theater, blues and bluegrass. I have sang session for regional country and rock bands in the seventys and eightys as well as stage backup for some big name country players.

Trying to get up on stage and "screaming" punk without being trained is a ticket to blowing out your voice before the end of your first set. You will be hoarse at a minimum and if you try to force past that point you can do damage to your voice that can be permament.

You should realy start with something less "demanding" than screaming punk. Drama training will teach you to project your vioce without damaging it. With proper training you can get out on stage in a thousand seat auditorium full of people and be heard in the back row without any amplification IF you have been properly trained. I'm not talking about being heard over a band. I'm saying with training I can talk or sing in a medium sized hall and be heard clearly in the back. I can get over an acoustic guitar and keep even with an acoustic piano.

You need to be taught how to use your lungs and diaphram to move the air. You don't do it naturaly (unless you are some kind of prodigy). You need to be able to quickly be able to relax the throat to be able to inhale without gasping. You have to practice a scream with an open throat. These and many more of the skills you need to master have to be taught by a coach. This coach needs to hear you to be able to corect your mistakes.

Guitar is much easier. I have never known a singer who was worth much who didn't have a good coach.

I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride. (Jerry Garcea)

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Yeah I Know I do need to start taking singing lessons inorder to become a successful singer but im not exactly blessed with money right now otherwise id be taking guitar i guess im just kinda trying to do what i can by myself.....and i am mostly interested in hard rock music with some "screaming"(i Just didnt know if there was certain technique to screaming i wasnt for sure) Also im a lil self-conscience about my singing voice anyways cause im not very good...ive used a tape recorder and recorded myself as i sang to certain songs and just couldnt hit the right i'll c what i can do from there.

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For effective screaming you will need a pair of long "channel lock" pliers, like plumbers use. Grab yourself by a testicle (or appropriate genitailia if I have the gender wrong). Squeeze pliers firmly. Twist vigourously.

Voila. A scream that'll go down the the annals of music history. No training or talent required.

Disclaimer: I was kidding. (Though I bet it would work, and make you the talk of the town).

Since I have nothing constructive to add I'll go now.

"You want WHAT on the *&%#ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo, 1566

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There is definitely a technique to screaming. I read somewhere that the singer from Staind had to work pretty hard at being able to do the low hardcore type screaming.

I would think you could damage your voice fairly easily if your not careful.

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Are you still in school? I got my inital training in the school choir. From there I stuck with choir and took drama in high school. Both gave me an exelent start for no money. Now you might not be intrested in the "square" music they perform but it's worth it for the learning the basics.

Just like with guitar an f cord is an f cord if your playing Lead Zepplin or Johnny Cash. You need to learn the technique before you can do much of anything.

From there churchs often teach voice for their choirs. Inquire to your community theater group. Finding a voice coach in the phone book could be impossible. The last coach I had traded lessons for a strong baritone for his church choir. I've never had to pay for lessions. But I have always had to work for them. If it means singing stuff your not intrested in or acting a part in a theater troop it's not going to kill you and it will probably make you into a more polished performer. Never turn down an oppertunity to get up on stage. Just like your music you can never get enough pratice.

I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride. (Jerry Garcea)
