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If you ever had a Yamaha ERG121, please tell me your personal opinion about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kind of wanna buy IT!!! :P

"No pain No gain!"- The Scorpions

Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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I know you're keen and don't want to knock your choice. But do some research. Have a look on Harmony Centrals review database.....hmm.

People seem to vary from "do not touch this guitar, whatever you do!!"

to "great".

That probably means that like all budget guitars, it depends on the mood of the guy at the factory putting it together. Hungover Friday afternoon - crap, fresh Monday afternoon, great!

And most of all,,,,play it before you decide. A lot!!!

All the best


Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 879

You just know its bad when someone says under the heading "dislikes?".............."the guitar" :roll:

Anyway, if I was interested and readll these reviews, I would run a mile!!
Seems the body is soft and markes easily, its badly assembled, the accesories are cheap and the amp is rubbish.

All in all, a really interesting bunch of reviews, for a change very honest!

Suggest STRONGLY you have a rethink unless someone on here can correct me....


Noble Member
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For a good laugh have a look at

Sorry for my third post.....but couldn't resist it. One review basically says the guitar virtually fell apart on the first playing. One of the last ones says "this guitar will last forever!". I laughed my head off at that.

I guess its like a lot of others, get lucky and you'll be ok, get unlucky and you will be throwing it away pretty quick.

I like the guy that bought a job lot at £30 a guitar, and smashed his up on stage as a cheap effect. Nice!!! ha ha.

Well worth a read, amazing how personal preference (and, I guess, the sound you want to reproduce) comes out in this thread.

Cheers, staying quiet now!!!!


Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 879

Oh wow, couldn't resist this one, yes its me again!!

Quote -

Purchase: i bougt it in greece in nakas stores for 290 euros

Likes: nothing

Dislikes: everything. the hole unit is cheply manufactured. the wood is not worth nor for burning it. magnets: they suck. it sounds like when you do gas.

Quality: the worst i have ever seen and played in my 35 years of guitar playng

Summary: never buy this guitar

Rating: 1 :wink:
