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Tremolo Picking (an...
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Tremolo Picking (and other rhythmic variations) - Arrgghh!

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Hello all!

I have been having a lot of trouble lately attempting to replicate tremolo picking as used in thrash and speed metal bands (using a pick). Most of the material I attempt to play is all single note stuff e.g. the low E note played quickly with no fingering or string changes. Only when I say quickly I mean it in a "tempo of 210" kind of quickly. Insanely fast.

I hear it a lot in Slayer's and Sodom's music, and the guitarists applying the method in the said bands make it look and sound so easy! Any suggestions? I'm willing to start from the ground up on this as I have followed many an online tutorial (each with entirely different methods) over the past fortnight, but to no avail.

Also appreciated would be any tips on how to accurately execute triplets. Right now I am practicing with a .71mm pick for both tremolo and triplet picking. I find it very comfortable and it ideally suits the slower aspects of the music I like, so I would rather not have to replace it with a really thin one.

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

To illustrate my tremolo query, here is a GP5 excerpt of a song I would love to be able to play - along with the correct tempo. Challenging!
