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As you guys know how i wanted to play guitar so i was going to buy a cheap electric and learn own my own, to tell you know i changed my mind about a cheap one and wanted a standard strat, but then my dad brought a used acustic for me, then i understand that u can learn by ur self so i took lessons, i got a 100 dolloar classic guitar, and went to my first lesson, my instructor told me my guitar was cheap and it wold be hard to learn from it but theresn nothing i can do, so far he showed me the parts of the guitar. i also have music theory and music history, in theory i learn the treble staff every good boy does fine the egbdf notes, and good boys diserve fun always gbdfa notes (bass staff) oh ya and the FACE SPACES NOTES AND ACEG SPACE NOTES since i know what i told u is there any song with thos keys that i can play the guitar rite this second? and music history i didnt learn anything is that class really importants? if im at this point and take each lesson once a week when will it be time to buy an electric fender and be able to play?

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 190

Learning the notes on the staff is one thing; learning where the notes are on the fretboard of the guitar is what's going to start you playing. Learning to read tablature, which is a way of transcribing standard music notation for a guitar,is an important first step. As for the notes in a scale, there is a simple pattern to it. This basic pattern can be moved up and down the fretboard, depending on what key you want. The reference for the key is what note on the low E string, that is the top string, is played when held at (or behind) a particular fret. For instance, if one holds down the low E string at(i.e. right behind) the fifth fret, that is the note "A". In tab, that will look like this:
the letters are the string names
the lines are the strings

the number is the fret you hold the string down at
Meaning,hold the low E string down at the fifth fret. Most any song you could think of has been put in tab form; many on this site, also elsewhere on the net.
The "A Major" scale is the notes played in order starting from the "A" note on the fifth fret of the low "E" string.
The pattern is like this in tab:


This is the same pattern at any key, although the fret numbers will change accordingly. As you play this, you should be able to see the pattern on the fretboard- it does not vary-whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half.

Of course, much of guitar music consists of chords-little sets of notes that work together in the same key. If a note is a letter, then chords are words. Learning A,C,D,E, and G is very important; these five chords appear in more songs than you might imagine. You can find these chord shapes elsewhere on this site, or elsewhere on the 'net. Learn them until you see them in your sleep!
How far and how fast you progress is largely up to you. The more you practice the right things, the better you will become. I don't know enough about you, your teacher, or your guitar to be anymore specific than that, so who can say when you'll be ready for the next step? What kind of music you want to play should affect your choice of guitar as well-wiser minds than I can tell you about that. As for myself, I have been seriously playing for 4-5 months now, for half an hour to one hour per day, and have a long way to go before I'm ready for anything fancier than my acoustic six-string. HTH.

"Yes and an old guitar is all that he can afford,
when he gets up under the lights to play his thing..."-Dire Straits

Honorable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 525 there any song with thos keys that i can play the guitar rite this second?...
I just want to say that if you keep this thought process you are going to get very frustrated. Learning guitar is a slow procress (and hopefully lifelong!). The best thing to do is play consistently and remember guitar is supposed to be fun! :wink:

"That’s what takes place when a song is written: You see something that isn’t there. Then you use your instrument to find it."
- John Frusciante

Noble Member
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Being a beginner learning to play an instrument can be really frustrating. You want to grab the thing and just CRANK on it, right? Well, you first have to learn some basics before that will happen. It is a pain and feels like you are getting nowhere closer to your dreams of guitar godliness, but be patient. Listen and learn from your teacher and do what he/she says. Before you know it, you will be playing simple songs. It will take a while to get where you want to be now. But, when you get there, you will want to be even better - it is a never ending cycle of always wanting to get better/learn more! Welcome to the club - not many guitar players are EVER happy with their level of playing - they always want to get better than they are now.

I am guessing you are probably a teenager. It is hard for most teenagers to put in the time practicing to really get good on an instrument. BUT, you have MANY MANY years ahead of you and if you stick with it, you will get better and better!


Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5349

Just keep going to your lessons and practicing and things will seem a lot easier then it might now. Initially you'll probably be playing songs that use only notes from the C-major scale and open chords that are easy to finger. Your instructor will probably show you the following chords in the coming weeks:

A-minor [x 0 2 2 1 0]
C-major [x 3 2 0 1 0]
D-minor [x x 0 2 3 1]
E-minor [0 2 2 0 0 0]
G-major [3 2 0 0 0 3]

This song will open the door to many a blues/rock song in (Am, Dm, Em) and offers plenty of fun progressions in both Am and C. Don't try to get ahead of yourself, if you concentrate well in the beginning you'll be off playing songs before you know it.
