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Are songs timeless?
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Are songs timeless?

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Writers like to think their songs are timeless, but is there such a thing? I went to Neil Sedaka's site. "Laughter In The Rain" was referred to as timeless. The song reminds me of driving through Chicago in November, 1974, when Neil broke out after a decade of the British dominating radio. Nothing timeless about that! Positive thinking is the theme which, in a human context, can be called timeless. Shakespearean themes are thought of as timeless although his language is obviously not. Dinosaurs ruled 160 million years and passed away. The sun will expend its energy, and the universe will die. Can 3 minute songs be eternal? The ones most closely approaching timelessness are Christmas songs because Christmas returns annually and because no new, good Christmas songs have appeared in the last 50 years. "Silent Night" and "White Christmas" become relevant each December.

Jim Colyer

Jim Colyer wrote "I Looked Twice!"
