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Basic Songwriting

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I've found that I can write pretty good riffs and solos and such, and even vocal stuff. My main problem is putting it all together. For some reason if I use some vocals, the riffs and chord progressions sound weak, on the other spectrum, if I use a riff first my vocals sound really weird. I admit, i'm not quite a singer (maybe better than some people, but i've never taken singing lessions). I was just wondering how some of you have overcome this problem of putting music and vocals together and how i might accomplish it.


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Posts: 52

I have gone through the same problem time after time... From following what other artists have done, I've figured out a somewhat solution to the problem... The thing I like to do is to pretty much write your song on guitar... or right the riffs and put them all together... Then listen to it all and decide in your own mind, what the song should be about, or decide on whether a problem or issue thats concerning, would fit into that song... then write your verses to fit along with the music you have recorded. Another thing that someone on this forum told me to try was to record your riff and then try and sing some lyrics with the song while playing it back on your sound machine. And make adjustments to the lyrics to fit the song perfectly.... I hope this helps some...

Blaine Adams

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I do it the other way round, as I find if I'm thinking as if I were writing a poem, as soon as I write the words, the rhythm is already there in the form of syllables, and then, once a rhyming line is done, a form of melody is also there...then I change each of the words into a note on the guitar, and I have a basic melody, which can then be played with for hours until it sounds complete. :D

Somnium Dulcis.
