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Why did I want to be like them
Learnt from another mistake again
Why do I always feel this way
Like I learn my lessons a little too late
Why did I want to be your friend
All I ever had was good intent
Now I'm just another twisted kid
An effect of my own foolishness

These are the days of our lives..
Yeah right..

And I hold my hands up
Yes, I know
That I messed up
Please forgive me
Now I'm..

Why did I do everything I could
Just to get in your good books
Now I realise your just the same
As everyone else who's in this game
Why did I care so damn much
Now I've lost my friends I'm out of touch
Years spent hanging on your every word
But the things I want to hear were never heard

These are the days of our lives..
Yeah right..

And I hold my hands up
Yes, I know
That I messed up
Please forgive me
Now I'm..

Now I'm eighteen
Give me a chance
Let me start again
Now I'm eighteen
Give me a chance
Let me start again

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come on peeps i havent had to wait this long for a comment in ages!

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Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 197

yeah ur right...the whole forum seems awfully dead recently???....i really like this song....very teenage angst ridden....seems like the kinda thing most 18 yr olds go thru....i think you captured the desperation of the song very getting punk or emo vibes a little when i read it....very nice song!!

Keep it up my friend!!


Rain Shadow

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yeah your prettty spot on there with the whole punk/emo thing! the chorus is meant to be quite loud. yeah everythings dead in here recently :cry: maybe because its half term week and people are on holiday

Estimable Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 83

probably posting this a little too late but your songs ace. it does seem kind of punky as much as i try i can't seem to write punk songs they end up folky lol. anyway keep up the good work, lyrics rock. 8)

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great.

--Mark Twain
