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Legato style

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Lots of people seem to be able to play this way and it just sounds so fluid. I'v read through the first two articles on this site, but am having trouble with some of the basic exesizes: my pull offs are fading out, and I don't seem to be developing speed very well. I play pretty much clean to make sure I'm doing it right, but would more gain help? :D Anyone have helpful hints for building up my chops??


"Contrary to popular belief, Clapton is NOT God. The prospect that he is God probably had a large hand in driving him to drugs and booze. Thanks everyone."

-Guitar World :lol:

Noble Member
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More gain will help you sound better but won't help your technique at all, so don't bother. Your problem might be that you aren't using enough strength to pull-off the string, although this seems like a hassle at first it will make you improve and eventually you'll not even notice the extra pressure. Most importantly, just keep practicing (alot) and you'll get it.


Illustrious Member
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On a pull-off, move your finger slightly sideways as you lift it - it'll 'pluck' the string slightly and give you a bit more 'oomph'.

The main thing in building legato chops is to not lift fingers before you have to - one note needs to blend right into the start of the next.

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Honorable Member
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Yeah, I've been pulling off correctly, I made sure of that, but it just doesn't sound as seemless. That comes with practice I guess.

"Contrary to popular belief, Clapton is NOT God. The prospect that he is God probably had a large hand in driving him to drugs and booze. Thanks everyone."

-Guitar World :lol:

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To amend the above, I know your supposed to drag the finger slightly off the sting to get the desired effect, but I find when I pull of onto an open string ( ie 5-2-0) with the index finger, I don't get as much of a pull off. Its like I don't have the correct leverage.

This seems to be much more dependant on technique than other aspects of playing. Is it better to arch the fingers perpendicular to the fretboard when playing this way? I find its easier to get a better pulloff if they are less than perpendicular, but sometimes I hit the string below...I'm trying carefully not to be sloppy, but when I speed it up I can't maintain the seemless feel....guess it comes with time.. :?

"Contrary to popular belief, Clapton is NOT God. The prospect that he is God probably had a large hand in driving him to drugs and booze. Thanks everyone."

-Guitar World :lol:
