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Next Piece of Gear?

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Hey everyone,

Currently, I am playing a Japanese Fender Telecaster through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe. I also have a Digitech Hot Rod Distortion pedal, but I never use it because it just doesn't sound good through the amp. That's the extent of my electric equipment, and I am wondering what gear I should be looking to get next? A pedalboard or something? I don't know a lot about effects and other things, and will they sound good through a tube amp? (the digitech does not)

I haven't playing my electric lately, more been messing around with my Seagull accoustic.

If you have some gear that you would like to recommend, I'd really appreciate it!

I can't really describe the genre I play, I try to keep my mind open and do a bit of everything (just not metal or anything harder than metal).

Thanks a lot!

Noble Member
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I would trade in that digitech and get a tubescreamer.

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Actually, a multi-effects pedal might be nice. It will let you experiment with a lot of different types of effects. Maybe amp models too, if you get one that has some amp modeling. That way, you can get a lots of sounds through the clean channel of that HRD.

(To really program an MFX and get it to sound "just right" might take quite a bit of work .. but as a way to experiment and what else you might really like, its very useful).

"Life is either an adventure or nothing" -- Helen Keller

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depends on what you play...

personally i prefer individual pedals for better control, so a tubescreamer would suit you fine. Dirtier clean channel, and nastier drive channel.

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What would be a good MFX pedal to invest in?

And with the tubescreamers, would you use that on top of amp distortion? (likewise with my digitech hot rod)

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What would be a good MFX pedal to invest in?

There are so so many choices .. probably the best thing is to pick a budget, and then look at what you can get for that. If you were to pick $100 as a reference, for example, you could get something like a digitech RP100A or a Behringer V-Amp 2. The V-amp 2 is much more of a modeler -- models many different amps. The RP 100A is primarily focused on effects.

Also, you could ask over in the Amps & Efx forum, once you have picked a price point.

(I happen to have a Zoom 707, bought from Ebay .. it was pretty useful to experiment with, but it is a pain to program. And once I played around with it quite a bit, I realized that my VOX amp had all the stuff that I really want at the moment, so it's gathering dust..)

"Life is either an adventure or nothing" -- Helen Keller

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I can get a multi-fx for around $100?! I think I paid $140-160 Canadian for my Digitech Hot Rod :(

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Yeah, there are a ton of multi-fx boxes manufactured in the last 5 years that can be had for $100 or less.

I have a Digitech RP-80 that is fun, and I'm looking at a Zoom GFX1, 5 or 8 right now.

-=- Steve

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