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Only Three Months Left To Realize Your 2010 Guitar Goals

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I didn't find the thread for this year, but I know whe had one. Perhaps someone has it book marked or saved away neatly.
Regardless, how are you doing on your guitar-goals for the year?

I'll start things off. It seems like I throw a lot of things up on a goal list as if it wre a wish list. Some things I have some success with and other things just kind of get pushed aside for one reason or another. I vaguely remember my list, so I'll do the best I can from memory.

#1: Learn some Lead or Solo style of play. I guess this one's success isn't measured in a binary form. I will say that I did OK, and that it will be on my 2011 list in some form as an improvement. Probably on every year's list come to think of it.

#2: Learn Powerchords and how to rock. I did this to some extent. It didn't take so long to do as Chris suggested it wouldn't. It was further enhanced with David's 'Rock Guitar book late this past Spring. (buy this book everyone. It's good) I did my first partial power chord rock recording in October '09 (Bowie's "Putting Out Fire") I followed that up with some ZZ top about a year later. Un-released and erased for space efforts included some AC/DC, Neil Young, more ZZ Topp and even a Metallica number.

#3: Play less "strummy" when the situation calls for it. More 1, 2 and 3 note strikes instead of hitting the whole chord. This at times has sounded like mud and at other times simply melodic. Unfortunately, these times were often side by side on the same track. It's getting there, though.

#4: Related to #3 was to play some song mean't for other instruments on a guitar and have it sound good. I've made some strides here, too.

#5: Learn some new scales. Made very little stride here. I can't keep the focus on this one. I'm a one trick pony scale-wise. <X>-minor pentatonic still rules here in roy-land.

#6: Learn to play to backing tracks and participate in some of the GN colabs. I've done that with varying degrees of success.

#7: Play out at the old folks home where a friend of mine works. Not done that yet. I'm waiting on reverberations to dwindle down some so that I can sing comfortably. The smoking thing helped a lot though. I can sing at lower volumes better than I used to. The eyar isn't over. Maybe some holiday sing-a-longs if I can get up the nerve.

#8: Play live music with a real person or two. I did that, and it should be coming back into reality on a few weeks.

#9: Learn my gear, especially my Boss GT-10. I've come a long way with this one. Some of it even stuck.

#10: Learn to sing - take lessons. I took one lesson and followed that up by playing golf and making singing worse on my head. grrrrrr that will start again, though. Maybe next year.

#11: Learn my analog pedals. Getting there. I can handle a bit more volume. Digitial is still the way to go for me and that sitution, though.

I think that was about all of it. I added a few more big ones to the list during the year.
#1, the changing of recording software. I went from Audacity to Reaper. I could not tell you why I did so, but I did. Now I need to learn it and all of what it can do. I've got the basics down and have already laid out some decent sounding arrangements.
#2 was to use the Guitar Pro 6 functionality of being able to create tolerable amatuer backing tracks sound like real instruments.
#3 is being pondered still as I go back and forth from the piece together world of VSTs to the various software products like Band In A Box and software/hardware solutions like Vox's Jam Vox and Boss's eBand thing called the JS8. All of a sudden I got a feel for the GP6 as well as downloading of 475 backing tracks in the past few months. That's somewhat embarressing, actually. Maybe a litle OCD going. LOL

So, how's everyone coming along with their 2010 guitar goals? We got 1 quarter of the year left. Plenty of time to work in an item or two. :)

"I wonder if a composer ever intentionally composed a piece that was physically impossible to play and stuck it away to be found years later after his death, knowing it would forever drive perfectionist musicians crazy." - George Carlin

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Well this time last year, I was playing with guitar hero.... I got my guitar for my birthday (new years eve) and then started having lessons...

In some ways I thought I'd have achieved a lot more by now and be shredding solos - but I think that was the naivety of understanding how complex the guitar could be to learn, so whilst I'm pleased with the little I've accomplished, I know there is a long way to go - but the journey is the important bit, and having fun on the way :D

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Well this time last year, I was playing with guitar hero.... I got my guitar for my birthday (new years eve) and then started having lessons...

In some ways I thought I'd have achieved a lot more by now and be shredding solos - but I think that was the naivety of understanding how complex the guitar could be to learn, so whilst I'm pleased with the little I've accomplished, I know there is a long way to go - but the journey is the important bit, and having fun on the way :D

Same goes for me too, rocking out on Guitar Hero 6-7 months ago! I've come a lot further than I anticipated however, but that might be due to expecting nearly nothing. :lol:

My goals were these:

- Playing a full song:
I expected this to actually take a very long time. Luckily for me chords made this one rather easy!

- Playing in front of an audience:
I love audiences, and performing. Managed to do this one for about 30 people aged 16-18, a bit younger than me. I had a blast and got a lot of positive feedback. Also played a lot in public spaces when I was bored, which really helped me relax in front of people when playing.

- Sticking with it:
I really hoped I'd manage to keep playing and practicing. I very often just charge headfirst into something only to lose all interest a few days later. My guitar was pretty much an impulsive chain of events. Currently I still play a minimum of 3 hours a day if it's physically possible.

My expectations weren't high, but my motivation was. I suppose if you aim low you'll always get there, currently aiming quite a bit higher, because I'll need ambition if I ever wnat to catch up with all you guys here! :D

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Crikey - this time last year I'd just started teaching at six schools for Essex Music Services and was hoping it would go ok. I guess I got there; I teach at ten schools now, plus two music schools; 85 students in total each week

I figure I probably wanted to play more live shows as a soloist. I did that too; a bunch of care home gigs, a residency at a local restaurant and one wedding.

A :-)

"Be good at what you can do" - Fingerbanger"
I have always felt that it is better to do what is beautiful than what is 'right'" - Eliot Fisk
Wedding music and guitar lessons in Essex. Listen at:

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The year or 2 I've had, I would be happy being able to pick up the thing and play a recognisable tune or even a chord sequence. Really have fallen off the guitar planet. Goal? a small domestic jam without making a fool of myself would be good.

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I don't remember specific goals for this year. My global goal is achieved every day: have fun.

I got back to guitars some months ago. I am learning a new tune (melody and chords) every week or every other week. Each new song brings also new chord voices and new chord fingerings. I am starting to play some improvised solos over simple progressions. I am also studying and understanding harmony.

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Hmm I remember the post but I don't set any real goals per se. Most are very generic like play better but I do have short term goals that I work on all the time whether it's a new technique or song.

I guess my feeling is that if it was important enough I would remember them and not have to write them down but I'm not really a write it down kind of person.

"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

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My 2010 guitar goal was the same as it's been for the past few years: "Start learning to play guitar someday." I suspect future years might be a bit more tricky to achieve.

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Goal? a small domestic jam without making a fool of myself would be good.

Yep - I'd like to aim for that too!
