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How do you cope with plateauing? It's been a couple of weeks since I've been able to learn a song, riffs and songs I write feel bland, especially in comparison to some new music I've been introduced to, i haven't been very creative with my soloing.. I've redoubled my practicing (as much as school allows), and I've even tried taking breaks (well, the breaks were enforced by midterms). So far, nothing's helped. Any commiseration (or stop-moping-around! reprimands) would be appreciated.

I've surmised that this is just one of those passing things, but still. Trial by mediocrity sucks.

peace out

Reputable Member
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well, I've found that what feels like a plateau now will feel like a roll in a year or two. I'd suggest setting some goal that's outside of your current path. Just a little while ago, I was stuck, since I'd finally learned a set of songs that had been killing me for the last couple months, and I was at more of a brick wall than a plateau, so I learned how to use my wah pedal and whammy bar. Variety helps.

I don't follow my dreams, I just ask em' where they're going and catch up with them later.
-Mitch Hedburg
Did you see that!

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You might have just answered yourself. ;)

Something worrisome such as Midterms can subconsciously occupy your mind to a degree where being creative suffers - making you just go through the motions of playing.

Any learning curve has its ups and downs, influenced by the little things going on in our lives (sometimes, things we don't even notice).

You might find that once Misterms (and their results ;) ) are out of the radar, you'll start to move out of that plateau.

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After the first round of midterms, it's like constant barrage of midterms, homework and then finals here :p It sucks

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Enjoy school while you can. It doesnt get any easier!!!


I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes.
- Jimi Hendrix

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My plateau reducing strategy is that I just try not and fight what's going on too hard. If I feel like I'm having a hard time being creative with my songwriting, I'll dedicate a few days to improving some part of my technique.

I suppose that it could be considered avoiding the problem, but I find it helps me come through my slumps faster, and I still feel like I'm accomplishing something, which is key to staying motivated.

Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life...
