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black dog solo i know its a pretty easy solo but any tips

Head Arcitech at Vandelay Instudries

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5349

Yes, play the correct notes, it really helps a lot.

Seriously, it's really as simple as that. Play the right notes the way it sounds on the album. If something goes wrong, make sure you know what went wrong, and then try to think why it went wrong. As soon as you know, think of a plan to overcome the problem and get on with it.

Some generic over-used tips:

1) Tune your guitar
2) Practice small bits at a time.
3) Practice these bits slowly.
4) Don't go to the next bit until you nailed the current one.
5) Increase the tempo when you can play the entire solo properly.
6) Repeat #2-#5

On a sidenote: try to put just a little bit more thought in your post and we'll be able to help you better.

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i dunno ive been really frustated with playing lately i was making some big progress for awhile but now i dont know what i wanna play any more everything i need so inspiration.........has this happened to anyone..........i really dont want to lose interest in guitar

Head Arcitech at Vandelay Instudries

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5349

It happens to us all, don't ever bother to try and prevent it. :D Right now you *are* making progress but it just doesn't add up to the next level. Keep on practicing and soon it will all come together and you will be a much better player. After which you seem to hit a wall again, get frustrated, keep on practicing and get even better again. That's how it goes.

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Let me tell you how it is for me. My progress seems to come in spurts. like i will go awhile and seem like i'm not getting anywhere and then I'll progress and be further along. But in reality it's those times of feeling like i'm not progressing that I really am. cause i'm still practicing. And then all of a sudden it clicks and things fall into place. Yes it is fustrating at times. cause your sitting there with your guitar tired of playing the same things over and over and then all of a sudden, one day you pick it up and BAM, you learn something new, but keep in mind, it's those hours of practice that gets you to those points.
If i get fustrated i put down my guitar and go do something else for awhile, i think about it, and read up and try to study on it. What i have learned is to set myself short and small goals, like say i'm having trouble changing from a G to a C, then i will say ok i will donate a certain amount of time each day practicing that until i can do it smoothly. and when i do the accomplishment is so awarding that i will then set my sights on something a little harder.

Just keep at it. If you have to take a day and not play then do it. sometimes i get fustrated won't play for a day and then pick up the guitar and then BAM, i advance. sometimes I don't. Your main goal should be to learn guitar period. your small gaols are the things your having trouble with. pratice, practice and then practice some more.

A good way to not lose interest, is when you feel like your not getting anywhere, is to go back and practice what you already know and try to get better, faster and more effiecent at it. And those accomplishments, though small will keep you interested.
hope this helps!

Good luck and NEVER give up!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 17 years ago
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just to reiterate what bonzo said, i find that when i sit down and make myself play for a few hours, that i discover or rediscover something a day or two later.
