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Sustainer Pickups

2 Posts
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Reputable Member
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First of all, what are they and exactly how do they work? I've heard of them before and that you can hold a note for like, foreeeeeever on them. Some cool effects could be created with that I imagine. Second, are they an add on to a guitar like a snyth pickup or will I have to replace one of my other pick ups with it? How much can I expect to pay for one? Finally, if anyone has had anyone personal experience with them, what are your thoughts?


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Illustrious Member
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The only one that I know of is from Fernandes and it is a factory fit - it requires place under the pickguard for the string exciter. Without going to find the Fernandes site, I can't tell you exactly how it works, but as I remember, it's something like having an ebow built into your guitar.

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