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erm. Ive nvr got it before but I think I might have it now. :cry:
I was playing yesterday, pretty intensly, working like mad on some fast legato to build finger strength when I felt a sudden pain in my middle finger, so I stopped.
Playing again today I got that pain again suddenly and it feels real bad, I get the odd prickling sensation down the middle of the finger and if I bend it at all I get it worse... Is this actually tendonitis then??

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bend your finger over and then pull the wrist down and forward. If you come out of your chair, it's tendonitis. If you're unsure go see a doctor.

The doctor will say the same thing I'm saying below, but what I'm saying isn't medical advice and shouldn't be taken as such (but I happen to have recurring tendonitis in my ankle, so I know what I'm told to do).

Treatment: ice the hell out of it. Take 800 mg of Ibuprofen 3 times a day. DO NOT PLAY THE GUITAR OR WORK THE FINGER UNTIL YOU CAN MOVE IT WITHOUT PAIN.

After the pain subsides very gradually build up motion and get used to using it again. Have the discipline to not re-injure it immediately . . . because it will be prone to re-flare up for several weeks after the pain dies down and re-flare ups suck!

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." -- HST

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grr. This sucks, how long does it usually last??
I dont like the idea of having to keep my finger straight for 2 weeks or more (Althought at this rate it'll be rigid in that position in a day or two) :evil:
Man...Just came from nowhere, my finger wasnt even hurting b4 at all

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Depends entirely on how badly it's inflammed, how well you take care of it, and how diciplined you are about not over-working it coming back to the guitar.

With my ankle I have gone for as long as 6 months with it casted (and then a couple more weeks after that regaining motion.) I've had it last as little as a few days as well.

And yes, it does suck.

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." -- HST

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So say when its recovered, can I go straight back to guitar and if so how long would I need to take it easy for? Or if not how long should i wait?

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Once you feel no pain (and again, I'm not a doctor only relating what I know from my own doctor for my ankle tendonitis) you can slowly resume normal activities. If you are used to playing 8 hours a day, you might have to start with playing an hour a day for a few days, and then move slowly up to 8.

The key is to let the tendon heal and not re-injure it, so you have to be cautious until you find what you can do without pain.

Not, that's without pain, not "with just a little pain that doesn't really bother me that much."

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." -- HST

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Ok then. thanks for the advice, it doesnt seem too seious after that 1st day, so ill lay off for a week then very slowly get back into it...God damn Joe Satriani...I blame him for not warning me lol :?

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kingpatzer gave you some good advice...I'm a physician, albeit not a hand specialist. Most of the time, injuries heal remarkably well with rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories.

However, I'd like to add a few's very hard to diagnose you without an exam, but one thing concerning me was your comment that the pain was sudden and severe, which raises the question of a torn or partially torn tendon...are you still able to flex your finger?? where specifically does it hurt (ie which area of the finger and palm side or back)?? Be very careful with injuries to your hand...your flexor tendons lie in sheaths and any sort of inflammation can cause chronic problems. If your symptoms don't improve rapidly I'd consider seeing your doctor or a hand specialist. JMO.

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Well I got the problem on monday 4th, and the shooting pain was right along the top side of my middle finger. I got it every now and then and always when i bent my finger. Only that was just really the first day. By the tuesday I wasnt getting any of those pains and since then its just been very mild aching if I flex it more than i should...I can bend it but its a bit stiff (athough that could simpley be from the ice lol)
The only serious pain iv had since monday was last night, when I didnt take any Ibuprofen in the evening thinking its was getting better than it actually was (ouch, wat a mistake :? )
...Oh and as for those pains, they were on the underside of the finger. It was like a really sickening feeling, it felt really odd and u sorta lay there thinking "oh crap I know im gonna get some shooting down the finger any second..." And I did get the odd pain untill the Ibupofen I decided to take after a few mins kicked in.

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I had this happen to me once, and found that the absolute HARDEST part was to stop playing until it healed.
