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BC Rich Warlock pickup screws and springs

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I have a BC Rich Warlock (I know... make fun of me now) and one of the pickups is completely loose. I lost the screws that mount it, so it's just hanging in the hole. Can someone provide me with a link as to where I can purchase the screws?


Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 4472

Nothing at all to make fun of. A lot of friends and students of mine own BC Rich guitars.

Google "BC Rich guitar parts" and you'll find that you can purchase parts from just about anywhere - from Amazon and Musician's Friend to all sorts of specialty shops.

You may even find that your local store has just the screw you need. A lot of pickups in different guitar brands use the same basic materials so there's a good chance your local guitar tech has the part you need.

Hope this helps. And welcome, by the way, to Guitar Noise. Hope to keep seeing you around the Forum pages.

