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buzzing b-string bl...
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buzzing b-string blues

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I have a cheap samick strat copy. Quite nice to play but the b string buzzes (Only when played open, not when fretted anywhere on the neck)
If i apply pressure at the point and in the same direction as the arrow indicates in the below picture (parallel to the frets), then the buzzing stops.

This appears to me that the origin of the buzzing is the nut... Please correct me if you think i'm wrong.
As you can see it's only a cheap plastic nut.
I'd prefer to fix this myself as cheaply as possible but because this is a guitar i like, I want a long-term solution.

Is a repair feasible ? Or is more information needed ? I have no nut files or specialist tools.
Would a replacement nut be the better option, and if so, what material ?...tusq.. bone.. something else ? pre-fabricated ?
Also, how so i get the Milli Vanilli stickers off my guitar ?? :wink:



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Noble Member
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Also agree it's probably your nut they are fairly cheap. Remove it and take it to your nearest shop for a replacement. Some times they are hard to get off. So good luck. Maybe think about using Tusq instead.

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Illustrious Member
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doesnt baby oil remove stickers?

there will be finish damage under the sticker. it will be discolored depending how long the stickers were on. adhesives react with finshes in nasty ways.

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
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doesnt baby oil remove stickers?
I was joking about the stickers btw.... :)
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Need to know how to setup your guitar? How do you lower your action? How do you get rid of the Milli Vanilli stickers? Look here first.
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