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Changing strings help

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Hello I have a few questions im new here this is my first post outside of meet and greet area.

I need new strings for my guitar they are the original strings that came with the guitar when I bought it in August 2004, I only played for a few months back then a gave up but i picked it up a few months ago but didn't change them
I have a yamaha Pacifica 012 electric guitar, I looked online and I can't find what gauge the current strings are. Does anyone know or how can I find out, it seems they are 9 or 10 i would guess should I just buy that kind. I was reading around on the site and saw how you need to get your guitar adjusted if you go up in size right? I don't want to hurt my guitar anymore I have dropped it a few times and it has fallen out of the stand a few times too. Also the jack where you plug in the cord to the amp is pushed inside the guitar can I fix that myself. And I was planning on putting the new strings on the guitar myself I saw some videos online can I do this myself or is it a bad idea.

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Well, the strings are probably 9's or 10's and yes some adjustment might be required, but since the guitar has been sitting around for so long and was dropped, they probably will need to be done anyhow. New strings of the same guage will not have the same properties that those old ones that are on there now do. I say string it up with which ever guage you chose and see what you got, as I said, after that long it will need adjustment anyhow. These adjustments are acctually more of a maintenance thing, just once you get it set with one guage of string, if you stick with that it will be more apt to keep it's setup. Being that it is a lower end guitar it may not have ever been setup correctly anyhow since that is usually the case, especially when purchased mail order but certainly many music stores neglect setup as well. The jack .... can you put up a picture? I'm sure it can be fixed as well. String it up and see what you got. Thats my advice. :D Oh, as far as a setup goes, you can probably get one done for like $40 or something depending on where yo live but there are plenty of instructions online if you are handy at all. It is one of those things that you need to feel comfortable with, but it's hard to pay someone $40 or $50 dollars to work on a $200 guitar. I do all my own setups. I have to, I have over 20 guitars. :lol: I learned on my cheaper instruments and now I don't bat an eyelash at adjusting the truss rod or intonation on my Les Pauls.

Here This is for a Strat but your Pacifica is a variation of a Strat so the info will pertain to the Pacifica as well for the most part.

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Cool thanks for the help i will try to put up a picture.

Can anyone help me with the actual changing strings, I feel really stupid I have watched 5 youtube videos on how to but i cant do it. I run into problems when i get to twisting it around the bolt thing, and how much slack. I decided that sooner or later i would have to learn to change the strings so I figured I would go for it. I have DR strings that is what the guy at Guitar Center gave me. I have bent and twisted the low E string trying to get it right hopefully i have not damaged it it spreads across the fret board straight still.

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Well,it might not be according to Hoyle, but here is how I do it.

Obviously thread the string through the trem block on the bottom end of the guitar and pull it tight towards the posts on the tuners.

I measure (on a 6 on a side Strat style instrument) 2 posts past the one I'm using and clip the string there. Example, for the 6th (thickest) string I will clip it at the level of the post that is 3rd up from the nut. I find this gives enough string for 2 to 3 wraps around the post as that is what you are shooting for.

Put the end of the string through the post hole from the high string end of the guitar going towards the low string end, right to left if you are looking straight at the guitar.

I put just enough through that a little sticks out the other side.

Holding tension on the string I turn the tuning key to wind the string onto the post. The windings should go counter clockwise.

The string will come out at the top of the post and wind towards the bottom, thats why you only want 2 to 3 wraps. You do not want any overlapping.

That's how "I" do it. Has served me for 30 years. :wink: Good luck! Let us know how it works out.

"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard,
grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em."
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thanks for your help again

i got all but the low E string on the guitar. but i couldn't get the E i bent it all up i did not go on smooth so keep trying but it broke off so i had to get a new string. It seems really stupid that i can't get it on, also when i had it on it was making this buzzing noise real bad. now before i hanged strings the other e string use to buzz a little but it doesn't anymore.

Illustrious Member
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Good going! Stringing a guitar seems daunting at first, and you certainly can screw up, but it's all fixable and after you've done it a few times it'll get a lot easier!

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after you've done it a few times it'll get a lot easier!

+1 to that, it used to take me about 30-40 minutes to change strings on my guitar, now it only takes about 10-15

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David, I don't know the videos that you were watching but Justin Sandercoe's videos are probably the best videos on YouTube (there two parts): part 1 and part 2.

And welcome to GN! :D

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ok my guitar keeps going out of tune and i broke the low E string the thick one again that is 2 now both are too short to put on can you buy single strings at guitar center? I'm becoming quite frustrated with this, luckally i have my brothers Epiphone guitar i can play. The videos are confusing my problem is once i get the string through the hole it wraps funny and how much space i leave messes it up. I really want to do this myself but i may have to find someone to help me in person. right now im playing the guitar with only 5 strings it sounds ok for simple chord to chord practice.

Illustrious Member
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One thing you've got to do is keep tension on the string as you wind it. Just won't work without that. Extra hands would be useful, but believe it or not, two hands will work.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
