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Tuning problems

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Noble Member
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I recently brought my guitar in to get a set-up done and was quite impressed with the results, it made the whole neck sound amazing and it even made performing vibratos and dips with the whammy bar perfectly without any tuning problems, that was until i realised that that was only half true. I noticed that the more i pressed down on the whammy bar, the worse the tuning problems got, is there anyone who knows what the problem is and is there anyway to fix this? (inexpensively, i mean) By the way, it's not a floyd rose tremelo, it's just a normal tremelo (only bends notes down) and my guitar has a normal nut and tuners.


Eminent Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 22

 What is probably happening  is that you strings are stretching or because they are new or you replaced the original strings and in the process the strings were not tightely wound around the key post and the result is that when you press down on the whammy bar the string is pulled very tight and  upon releasing the bar the winding is relaxed and the string becomes slacked.Try this . push the end of the string through the hole on the post then pull the end around the post and under the string where it entered the hole, now pull the string upover its self and back to go in the opposite direction. now tighten the string. This should get rid of the excess slack. I used to wind  excess string on the post so as to have some extra if should break the string i could tie the pieces together. That was a bad idea and left too much slack. There is a very good guitar maintenance guide at that you can download for free that will better explain how to string the guitar.You will need Adobe PDF reader. You can get it for free at
from James at  [email protected]

Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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Alright thanks, I'm glad it's something quite simple like the way i wind my strings rather than having to go out and buy a locking nut or tuners or something which would run me about 100$.

