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Shure Unidyne PE515...
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Shure Unidyne PE515 (sorry if this isnt the right section)

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Ive had a PE515 mic for a while, i got it from a friend who got it from a friend and so on, I looked it up and found out its a '70s model, and i was wondering if anyone has it, can give an opinion, or knows if its suitable for micing an amp, i dont think i would ever use it for vocals, if so rarely. (it is a dynamic mic btw)

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Yeah, it should be fine for an amp. It's a unidirectional mic which means it picks up its sound from one direction, so, position it correctly and you're off to the races.

As always though, set up the amp for the max saturation/volume you want to record at and slowly increase your input on your mixer/recording program to the desired level avoiding the clipping stage. While you're increasing the input, strum/pick as hard as you are going to play at, that way, you produce a happy balanced sound without the surprise of clipping when you finally stroke that climactic power chord (or whatever the climactic part is).

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wow, thanks, i never knew i was supposed to do that! thanks alot.

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