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Well I gone done it!

I finally, after months/years of hemming and hawing over brand/price/sound issues, have purchased a tube amp. I went in to the guitar store and spent a fair amount of time with the Marshall DSL 401 combo, which I went ahead and bought.

I had played it a while back and recall thinking "this is what overdrive should sound like." I've been playing on a line 6 spider for a little over three years now, and it doesn't have the greatest emulation of a plexi crunch in my opinion. Anyhow, I wasn't willing to fork over $1100 for the Marshall originally, so I waited and researched other stuff for a while. Lots of good sounding amps out there, but the models in my price range didn't have enough distortion headroom for my taste (nothing extreme, but I like having a bit of wiggle room) without pedals or modifications. Despite reading about overheating issues, I kept coming back to the Marshall for its sound and (yes I admit it..) the name. Some people have said the new ones are "junk," but if enough people use them they can't be that bad. I'm not a tone freak (I'm not good enough yet to be picky) and do not have the cash/need for a plexi reissue.

So the other day I tried the amp again, loved it, considered it, then happened to run into a used one on ebay for $650. Won the auction! I bought it from a Guitar Center in San Jose which offers a 48 hr insepction period, so if it arrives busted I'm not completely screwed over. And its in perfect working order, no defects cosmetically or otherwise. :D

Thanks to yall (especially Joe and Wes) for the advice over the past several months, I let you know how it is after I spend a bit of time with it. I now have tube power! :twisted:


"Contrary to popular belief, Clapton is NOT God. The prospect that he is God probably had a large hand in driving him to drugs and booze. Thanks everyone."

-Guitar World :lol:

Noble Member
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Congrats Matty.. :)

I also broke down and got something too.

I put down some $$ on a Hot Rod Deluxe I'll pick her up next week.
It is used, and I saw it in my local shop right next to a new one and I couldn't tell the difference, looks wise anyway. I did play it for about an hour before I decided to put some $$ down. It belonged to a guy who plays at his church and it was kept there the whole time the past 3 years. It just got re-tubed (Stock) and all the pots cleaned and I doubt he cranked up much past 4 and it was gong for only $380.00.

I've been lusting over that soft, creme tone eversince I went to my instructors house (we usually meet at the shop) and we plugged into his.
SO when I saw this I couldn't resist.

Anyhoo, for the past few days I've been trying to get the cleanest creme sounds out of my V-amp and my lil Kustom 16 so's when I bring my HRD home I'll really REALLY notice that true tube tone.

I've also taken some advice and I'm gonna order one of those Weber 50w MiniMass attenuators to keep my neighbors happy. Thank you Wes and others.

Man I can't wait to get it.
Have fun with the Marshall

Dag :)

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977)

Famed Member
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Congrats on the new amp, enjoy it, and take good care of it.

Noble Member
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Congratulations on the new amps. Yes, there is just something special about the output amp sagging the power supply that has a tone and feel all its own. Teamed up with an Equalizer pedal and Attenuator you'll hear why. Your guitar playing will take on a life of its own.


Illustrious Member
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Who gives a crap what others think. If you're ever doubting your purchase just grab the old Spider and see how much better the Marshall is. That should bring a smile to your face during the rainiest of days. :D

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Congrats guys

"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5582

Congrats on the great amps Matt and Dagwood!

You know I own both the DSL401 and HRD! (Lucky guy aren't I? :D )


Don't listen to what others say. I love my DSL401. It has a very good clean channel and a great overdrive. You really don't need a distortion pedal with this amp.

My amp does get a little hot, but I have never had a problem with it. I recently took it to Laz's 4th of July jam. It was outdoors and a fairly hot day (probably upper 80's). We all jammed out for at least 4 or 5 hours. No problems at all.

The ONLY problem I've had with mine is this: When switching from the overdrive channel to clean with reverb on, I got this big feedback type sound that lasted about 2 seconds. I asked around and found this was fairly common on the early models (mine is a 2002). I have heard this has been corrected. I have also heard that Marshall has put heavier solders to protect against the heat.

I did end up taking the reverb tank out. But other than that I love this amp.

I agree with you, $1200 is a little overpriced for this amp. So I went the used route off E-bay too. You got a great deal. 8)


Congrats on the HRD. It is a great amp too. It's got a great clean channel.
I actually like Drive more than More Drive for overdrive. You can get some good crunch on that. But I use pedals for distortion. It is LOUD.

Both of you have fun! You both have a great amp!!


If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis
