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Connecting effects and tube amps

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Joe's Equipment Schematic

I've had a few ask about my signal chain. Since I have to move it to Sassmen Studio later today I needed to draw a schematic to help me remember how I have everything connected. Memory just isn't what it use to be. I originally drew it out with a pen on typing paper and scanned it, but I even confused This is what I've been recording with lately.

Joe's Guitar Setup


Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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Let me be the first to say wow! I always knew you had a big setup, but that's insane. I can only imagine owning that much gear some day.

I don't think theres a person on the board who memorize all that, so don't worry about having to right it down!

Vacate is the word...Vengance has no place on me or her...Cannot find a comfort in this world.

Noble Member
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sounds complicated.

here's mine: guitar to amp!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
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sounds complicated.

here's mine: guitar to amp!Mine's just a little more compicated. I've got a cable between the guitar and amp. :lol:

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
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Sheesh Joe, what a rig. :shock:

Lots of big name touring pros don't have anything close to that.

The most complicated rig I have ever seen is The Edge from U2. That guy's rig is just unbelieveable. I saw him on TV and he had 3 huge rack units, each had about 30 different multi-effects units. His floor pedal was about 7 feet wide with at least 100 footswitches.

But you are getting close. :D

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

Noble Member
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Sheesh Joe, what a rig. :shock:

Lots of big name touring pros don't have anything close to that.

The most complicated rig I have ever seen is The Edge from U2. That guy's rig is just unbelieveable. I saw him on TV and he had 3 huge rack units, each had about 30 different multi-effects units. His floor pedal was about 7 feet wide with at least 100 footswitches.

But you are getting close. :D

I think I saw the same show, they showed under the stage, and had all his guitars, that was amazing.

Vacate is the word...Vengance has no place on me or her...Cannot find a comfort in this world.

Reputable Member
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I'm somewhat confused as to why you need all of those amps.
Why do you need a tube pre-amp when you have five tube amps with dummy loads?
Do you place the little amps around the room, like a Home Theater System?

Do the room lights dim when you play? Is there any room left on the stage?
You must be incredibly strong to haul all of that around, and have one heck of a huge truck!

I recall a long time ago when I helped out one of my guitar teachers with his band.
They were practicing at the stage while I got a beer at the bar on the other side of the room.
They were so loud, my pants were hitting my legs as I sat there listening.
That was two 100W Marshalls (one for each guitarist) not even turned up all the way.
You could easily blow the windows out of any house or small bar!

Have you heard that EVH had a huge number of empty Marshall speaker cabs onstage for "looks"

Anyway, bravo!
I'd say this is an 11!

1 watt of pure tube tone - the Living Room Amp!
Paper-in-oil caps rule!

Noble Member
Joined: 20 years ago
Posts: 1468

sounds complicated.

here's mine: guitar to amp!Mine's just a little more compicated. I've got a cable between the guitar and amp. :lol:

actually it's me to guitar first. then guitar to amp!

Noble Member
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Posts: 1468

Joe's Equipment Schematic

I've had a few ask about my signal chain. Since I have to move it to Sassmen Studio later today I needed to draw a schematic to help me remember how I have everything connected. Memory just isn't what it use to be. I originally drew it out with a pen on typing paper and scanned it, but I even confused This is what I've been recording with lately.

Joe's Guitar Setup


we'll all have to hear some of what you're recording lately!

Noble Member
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I generally I just that what's called for. I needed this for a project I was asked to do. Mostly they explain what they want (like sound and style)then send me a track or two and I record it right here. In this case they asked me to come there. Which wasn't far away so I agreed. I don't wonder far from home anymore. I like it that way.

It may seem like a lot of equipment, To me their tools, just like a race car is to race driver or a Semi truck is to a truck driver. Different venues call for different equipment. If I got a call to back a 50's tribute then I would break out my twin Gibson falcon's play some inverted voicings, turn around progressions, through in some double stops and "Johnny B Good" all night long. If the venue called for top 40 then I would need to take whatever equipment to get the job done. You see what I mean. And yes over the years I've invested in a lot of equipment. Just like a mechanic they collect socket sets and wrenches. Being a guitar player I collect guitar's and guitar equipment.

Right now tonight all I have is a few test tracks we did earlier. I'll get in hot water if I posted them on the net. Perhaps in a couple days I can get a clip they'll let me share. I'll ask if I can take a picture of the setup, some places don't allow cameras in. Top sercet stuff you

