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how much is enuff??...
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how much is enuff??!!!

17 Posts
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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 47

Well I won't say "Tell your drummer to keep it down!! he's obviously rubbish!" because that wouldn't be constructive at all and wastes everyone's time really, and I suppose its already been blurted out a few times.

I agree with Nomadh, I use a 30 watt all tube for band practice with my electric and that gives me more then enough.

If your using an acoustic you may need a bit of power to get the volume to match the rest of the band. A good powerful solid state acoustic amp would be the best way to go, maybe with 50 watts or so, then you can hike the volume up to right level without causing a horrible pile of distortion.

a cauliflower is just a cabbage with a college education

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Posts: 141

Not to be contrary, but why would you want to even use an amp at all for an acoustic..simply put a piezo pickup or soundhole-type magnetic pickup on it if it lacks one stock, run it through an acoustic modeler pedal if you want effects and more tonal control, and patch it into the mixer/PA, tweak a bit of it through your monitor, and be done.

That's what we've done playing out at both clubs and outdoor festivals, etc and it works like a charm and sounds fantastic. Let your drummer exhaust himself and maybe break some drum heads and sticks trying to play over several hundred or more watts blasting from the monitors and a set of PA front cabs, and maybe he'll get the idea! :lol:



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