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Loud Buzzing Noise Coming From Amp When Not Playing

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I have only been playing guitar for about 2 weeks now. I have always wanted to learn how to play and well I finally decided it was time to learn. I bought a Fender Squier Strat and Fender Frontman 15G amp. As soon as I got home I hooked up my gear and all I could get out of the amp was a very loud buzzing noise which is alot worse on the drive channel. I tried all the outlets in my house and got the same thing from each.

I called up The Guitar Center where I purchased my guitar and they said that possibly I got a bad amp and to bring my guitar and amp back. We hooked the amp up to my guitar in the store and there was no buzzing noise whatsoever. It sounded great.

When I got home I did some internet research into what could be causing this and every source I could find pointed the finger at a ground problem. I went outside and discovered that the ground strap to my house was totally disconnected. I called Consumers Energy and they came out and reattached it.

It helped the noise a little bit but it's still impossible to turn the drive volume up past like 1 or 2 without the noise hurting my ears (gain is set to 1, volume on guitar is set to max). I have figured out that if I turn the gain all the way down I can turn the clean channel up all the way if I want to with minimal buzzing, but I have to turn the tone controls way down. If I set the guitar down it gets louder but as soon as I touch metal on the guitar the noise fades a little. Also if I turn the volume on the guitar down at all even on the clean channel the buzzing gets really loud. I also have a 5-way switch on my guitar and if I turn it to the 5th setting which would be my double humbucker near the bridge thats when the noise is the worst. Second worst is the 1st setting which would be the single pickup nearest the neck. The remaining 3 settings in the middle are the cleanest sounding.

Does anybody have any ideas I could try to get rid of this buzzing noise? It drives me nuts and I want to try some distorted playing.

Noble Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 2337

Hi and Welcome to Guitarnoise.

I would do a some searching on the net for shielding the inside of the guitar. It also possible that the pluggins in the house are not really grounded. Someone may have just installed the plugs even though their nut grounded.

Shielding a Strat

