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Gear Poll

17 Posts
11 Users
Famed Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 4459

Have 4-5 guitars now 4 more than I really need not much of a gear junkie never have been so I don't really get GAS that often.

All I ever wanted was an MIA Strat and a real LP...I have neither but I have enough gear for what I do which lately hasn't been much more than practicing by myself.

"It's all about stickin it to the man!"
It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

Famed Member
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 3454

I am a Collector of Musical Ephemera. :D

This sounds a whole lot more dignified than gear junkie. :wink: It's also more accurate, because I don't just collect gear. And it's not just guitars either, there's a few other instruments hidden under the bed, awaiting their turn. For instance, there's a violin there, which I can't play more than a few notes on. But even a cheap violin is a beautiful thing to look at, to hold and to make a noise on. It's a piece of history. I also know somebody who can play well, so if I need a violin sound, or he felt like playing when he visits - I'd be ready. Good enough excuses??

I have a large pile of books of music too - songbooks, books on how to play a variety of instruments, and books on the general topic of music. It appears that I also collect music related software and links to sites with musical information. Currently, the only relatively small pile is the one containing the talent to play - but even that's getting bigger.

I've also recently made contact with two local musicians who take students. Both are highly experienced professionals with good credentials as touring artists, and both have small recording studios. So I'm aiming to have some lessons with both, and see if I can learn how to wring some half decent noises out of my collection of equipment, and end up with a recorded song or two. The goal is not so much the finished songs, but to enjoy the regular contact with talented musicians, talk about music and recording, learn new things and enjoy every aspect of the musical journey. So I collect musical experiences as well.

All this comes a little too late to prevent the steady onset of senility and general absurdity that characterises getting old - but at least its giving the asylum some attractive and interesting wallpaper... 8)



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