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Ok Im not really a beginner(I have played bass for 5 years) but Im wondering if IJX20 by Ibanez is ok or not I have played one for maybe 30min but does anyone have any problems w/ it?

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Well...if you've played it for half an hour, you probably know more about it than most of us. How did it feel? Sound? Did you like it? These are all hard to measure, but if you liked it, it sounded good, and if felt to be well put together...then it's probably a decent guitar for you.

I'd add- the low end Ibanez guitars that I've played have generally been pretty good. They do a nice neck. And seem to be as well built as most things in the price range.


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Ok I still don't know if I should get something a little nicer...

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Not experience with that specific guitar or package.

Usually the entry level guitars by Ibanez are pretty good for the money. I only had a bad experience with an amp: I asked for it in a store and when I was to try it, it didn't work, probably a failure in the switch or something like that.

You have played it, the question is: did you like it?
