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How much do I love my gear

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So I come home the other day to find my front door kicked in. Of everything in my house the first thing I ran to check on was my gear. Thankfully they didn't go downstairs and everything was there, but I was scared for a second. They managed to get some electronics whcih I'm not too concerned about, but I am just thankfull the didn't get my gear. Most of it IS replaceable but its hard to replace the sentimental value that it all holds.

Illustrious Member
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Glad to hear your gear is safe.
That sucks getting broken into. I hope they find out who it was and recover your electronics.

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Sons of bitches.

I hope they catch the guy/girl. Glad your gear is good :)

If you want me to track 'em down, let me know!


Noble Member
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Sons of dogs in heat.

I hope they catch the guy/girl. Glad your gear is good :)

If you want me to track 'em down, let me know!


Thanks DOG!!! As in the bounty hunter 8) 8)

Chuck Norris invented Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous secret recipe, with eleven herbs and spices. But nobody ever mentions the twelfth ingredient: Fear!

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Sorry to hear about the break-in but glad to hear they didn't get your gear.

They must have had NO taste or brain dead or something.

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Noble Member
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They must have had NO taste or brain dead or something.

Probably, but that's a GOOD THING! :D

Thats sucks though, and I hope they catch the dirty scumbags and throw em in jail!!! :evil: :evil: :twisted:

Stairway to Freebird!

Illustrious Member
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What a nightmare. I hope your insurance is good!
It's amazing that none of the neighbors noticed the commotion. Maybe you need a neighborhood watch group. Again, sorry to hear you have to go through this.

Well we all shine on--like the moon and the stars and the sun.
-- John Lennon

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What a pain. :shock:

Being robbed is a real bad feeling. :( But at least the stuff you love is still there.

Make sure you beef up the security a bit if you can. As Musenfreund said, neighbourhood watches are good, plus the usual alarms.

It's a real drag having to go down the security path but there is sometimes a pattern of repeat burglaries if the job went smoothly the first time. They wait a month or two until a) the gear has been replaced and b) the initial extra watchfulness has slackened off. Then they do it again.

When I first lived in this area (country, not far from a big city) I never locked the house, and I left a box of tools in my van that was never locked. Now I have locks and alarms on the house and shed. Shame really, but the insurance insists on it now. :(

And I do odd little tricks like leaving a TV on upstairs, and maybe a light or two on, to make it seem like someone is there. I also sometimes leave a scribbled note tacked to the front door which says:

Hi Pete,
The bloody fox got another two hens last night. Dave and I have gone round to Jeff's place to borrow his gun. Back soon, please wait. Jack.

(Change "Jeff" to Mad Dog, Slasher or Scarface depending on neighbourhood).

This gives the idea that 3 guys may turn up at any moment, and that one will be armed!! :lol:

Of course, I'm assuming they can read, which may be a mistake. :?

Cheers Chris

(Only time I've been broken into was when the cops kicked my back door in.... but that's another story....)

Illustrious Member
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I had my house broken into many years ago. I think I got up in the middle of the night (nature call) and scared them away. The next morning I found where someone had removed our screen and came in a front window. They had used a lawn chair to get in the window. You could see sandy footprints on our rug (this was Florida). You could see where the person entered, walked around and left. Nothing was taken at all. So I believe I scared the person away.

But I tell ya, that was a terrible feeling. I felt violated. We had small children. I stayed up very late for about the next two weeks watching our neighborhood. We were having a rash of breakins. I was really mad at this person. I really wanted to hit them with a baseball bat, and I had one handy too.

Fortunately the person was caught. But boy, it is really a bad feeling I will never forget.

Somebody steals my gear and I am going looking for them. :evil:

Hope they get the person(s).

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

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Wes just reminded me of a story from when I was living in South Carolina. I had a split foyer house which simply means 2 bedrooms and the garage were downstairs partially below ground and upstairs was 2 more bedrooms, kitchen and family/great room. The front door was on a landing half way between the two floors. I being the trusting soul that I was (keyword WAS) always left the garage door open until I went to bed. Late one Saturday night my son was in his bedroom downstairs and my daughter was in hers upstairs. My now ex-wife and I were upstairs watching television and obviously this guy must not have thought anyone was home so he strolled in the garage door, in the hall door, up the stairs by the front door and came around the landing to come upstairs. He then saw me sitting there and started to turn around to depart but I had already seen him and thought better of it and caught him. I had my wife call the police while I took him out on the front porch to wait and have a discussion. For some reason he did not try to fight me until we got on the front porch and just as the police pulled into the top of my driveway he fell off the front porch. Gee, don't know how that happened :lol:. Now those of you know a split foyer you also know that the front porch is raised to about 12 feet off the driveway with some type of retaining wall under/next to it. He cleared both the railing and retaining wall. Luckily for him I forgot I had just cleaned and sharpened my Buck knife and it was sitting next to the recliner I was in. Actually, lucky for me I guess since the police thought it was funny that he fell off the porch but may not have been as amused if he was cut.

The police took a report then took him to the hospital.

What scared the crap out of me was that my son was downstairs and had this guy not come up the stairs he would have walked right into my sons room who was 7 or so at the time.

Nils' Page - Guitar Information and other Stuff
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Ive never been involved in a robbeyr or anything, but Im glad to hear that everything turned out well, and wasn't as bad as it could have been

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And I do odd little tricks like leaving a TV on upstairs, and maybe a light or two on, to make it seem like someone is there. I also sometimes leave a scribbled note tacked to the front door which says:

Reminds me of that Jerry Seinfeld bit:

"We all try to prevent ourselves from getting ripped off, we think we're very clever. We think that we can out think the crooks. Go to the beach, go in the water...Put your wallet in the sneaker, who'se gonna know? What criminal mind could penetrate this fortress of security? I put it down by the toe, they never look there. They check the heels, they move on.
So feeble, the things we come up with the foil crooks. Like, the wanted posters at the post office? You're there, you got your package, you're trying to mail something, this guy's wanted in twelve states...yeah, now what? Okay, I check the guy standing in line behind me....if it's not him, that's pretty much all I can do. Why don't they just hold onto this guy when they're taking his picture! The guy's there with you...Come out from behind the counter, "GRAB HIM!!"...No, we don't do that, we take their picture and we let 'em go. That's how we get the front and side shot. The front is his face, the side is him leaving.
Why don't they put the pictures of the criminals on the postage stamp? Let the postman look for them, he's out there walking around all day. He's got the uniform on, can't he do something? "Ah we got a letter here for you Mr Jo--....Hey wait a second!"

Yeah, I really did just take the time to type that up, word for word, listening to the CD. :cry:

At least cnev will appreciate it!


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i never realized how funny Seinfeld could be as a comedian, all his little skits before each episode were usually kinda lame
