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Vic loves his Telecaster 8)

(Well, I don't own one and the Tele guys haven't jumped in yet, so I gave them a head start :lol: )

Ewan McGregor: I said, "Eve, I want you to look after my wedding ring while I'm away," and she started to cry and I said, "Eve. Eve, I can't wear my ring or I won't get laid on the trip!"

Illustrious Member
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Ah but I didn't feel the need to state it.....I love guitars, full stop. Teles, Strats, SG's, LP's, Gretsch, Rickenbacker, Agile, Seagull, Taylor etc etc etc ad infinitum - they all make music. Acoustic, electric, 12-string, bass - give me one to play and I'm happy.

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Couldn't have the Tele guys feeling left out, though, could we? 8)


Ewan McGregor: I said, "Eve, I want you to look after my wedding ring while I'm away," and she started to cry and I said, "Eve. Eve, I can't wear my ring or I won't get laid on the trip!"

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Has anybody heard about the telecaster redesign? I saw something brief about it, but what exactly is being altered?

Illustrious Member
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If they're not careful, they'll "alter" it in the sense of a dog or tomcat being "altered."

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I heard that they gathered a bunch of feedback from some real tele players.

Players that have used it in a working band sense, on the road and all.

Asked what they would do to improve it in any way.

They then put all of this information together to come out with a 'new' design based on the Telecaster.

'Spose to be pretty revolutionary actually.

Fender calls it:
The STRATOCASTER :lol: :twisted:

Ken :wink:

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Illustrious Member
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LOL, Ken, reminds me of an ad I heard on the radio a couple of years or so back - this guy was talking about "design classics" like the T-Bird and the coca-cola bottle. Then he mentioned Leo Fender and the Stratocaster - the music playing in the background was by Status Quo, who are famous for their use of.....


:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Yeah, that's kinda like praising the Ford Mustang while 'Little G.T.O.' plays in the background. LOL

Man, those are some nice lookin' Tele's. :D

I'd love to get my hands on a Tele.
Trouble is... I know that when I do, it'll replace my beloved Elsie as the guitar of my heart. :cry:

So beautiful in their simplicity.
Form following function even more so than with the Strat (as the Strat really was a 'refined' Tele)

In the circles I was in back in the band days - you weren't considered a REAL musician unless you played a Tele.
Teles were for Serious players only. 8)

Yeah, you can certainly hear that Tele sharpness on SQ's 60's stuff (Pictures of Matchstick Men).

Did they still play Tele's in the 70's when they moved to that heavier 70's sound???? (Vic)

My favorite Tele story is still the one about Mike Bloomfield haunting the New York winter nights with his Tele thrown over
his shoulder collecting snow as he walked from club to club.
When he got to the one he wanted to play in, he simply took his Trusty Tele and gave it a whack on the wall to get the
snow off.
Then proceeded to plug in and play. (Always in tune :D )


"The man who has begun to live more seriously within
begins to live more simply without"
-Ernest Hemingway

"A genuine individual is an outright nuisance in a factory"
-Orson Welles

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Here's a new Tele design:

I really hope this was tongue-in-cheek.

Funny, my wife and I were talking about Teles just this morning on the commute to work. It's like guys who switch from Gibsons most times go to Strats - Les Paul to Strat. But going the Telecaster route, it's like an offshoot or sidestep from the Strat; like the road seldom traveled. I mean anyone can go out and buy a Tele, but to have it become your main instrument - that's still a bit rare. I don't know if this is from my own experience, but it just seems like you have to go through the Strat to get to the Tele or something weird like that. Like I always wanted a Tele, I even rewired my Strat years and years ago so I could get the Tele pup combo of Bridge+Neck, I found out, it wasn't just that simple.

When you finally get one it's like "Ohhh, I get it now..."

I can't put mine down now. I usually play a guitar for a few months before I really get used to it, and the others just have to sit there and wait till I'm done, but it's been a little longer than that now. It's like I know what the Strat is capable of (or what I'm capable of doing with it - it still has a lot of headroom over me), and the same for the Les Paul.

The Tele though - it's simpler in design, but it just seems like it has some other stuff in there that it's only slowly showing me.

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Here's something that ties a couple of today's threads together - Small Faces and Teles

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Here is a review of the new tele design

Immature? Of course I'm immature Einstein, I'm 50 and in a Rock and ROll band.

New Band site

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DemoEct.... Small Faces. Cool 8)
I checked out a few of their vids.

I know what you're saying about the Tele.
I'm a LONG time Strat guy, and I REALLY want a Tele now.
I still love the sound of the Strat....
Teles though.....
There's nothing else like 'em.

I like the early 60's ones myself.
They seem to have a rather nice mellow, yet cutting tone. (Unless you're Bob Dylan & Robbie Robertson.... OUCH)

Back in those days, if I'm not mistaken, The 3 pup positions were:
Bridge/no tone
Neck/no tone

There were no combinations of the two pups like on todays teles. (Same with the old strat 3 ways. Bridge pup had no tone)

I have NO prob with that stock neck pup on the teles. I rather like it myself. I don't know why so many people are against it????

Here's some vids with a prominent Tele :D

(Is the emcee on this French one a young Francois Truffaut????)

"The man who has begun to live more seriously within
begins to live more simply without"
-Ernest Hemingway

"A genuine individual is an outright nuisance in a factory"
-Orson Welles

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i really really want a tele. i don't think i can buy one anytime soon.

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Now don't jump down my neck !!!

I honestly don't know the difference between a Tele , Fenda , or even a Ashton

They all have pick ups , head stock , strings , controls , each has shape ..

Whats the one thing that makes a Tele special ...

And please don't say sound ....

The way it feels ? We all have different likes and I am a total newbie when it comes to

A. Playing
B. Shopping for GAS

I bought a electric Fender many people said I was mad I should have bought this one or that one ..
But the Fender

A. Looked better
B. Fitted my hands better
C. Felt right

Can you tell me why I should concider a Tele above any other guitar ?
I'm not just trying to start a argument the same can be said about Taylors etc ,


Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am

Illustrious Member
Joined: 20 years ago
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Here's something that ties a couple of today's threads together - Small Faces and Teles

Wow, my brother in law and I was watching the very same video last night :D Now I'm completely in touch with my inner hippie :lol: Dig that drum effect :!:

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