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I think Achtung Baby is their best album, if only because they proved they can come off their biggest album to date, TOTALLY change their sound and image, and still have a massive following. I think the demand for U2 tickets now is more intense than it was back in 87. The two shows here in Philly sold out in mere minutes (luckily I have tickets for both, although my wallet is significantly lighter now). I'm only 22, but I loved the rawness of the 80s U2 (seen only through bootlegs) and I totally dig the current, more mature U2. They manage to remain relevant 25 years after Out Of Control graced Ireland. Not many bands can say that.

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I was lucky enough to see the Who in May. They ROCKED. So hard! I think many people considered it there best concert ever. Along with the Clapton concert I saw.

I don't understand what age has to do with musical ability? One would imagine that as a musician gets older, he becomes more skilled. I DONT KNOW, IM NOT AN EXPERT.

Anywho, I checked out the rest of that site, the guy is pretty much a poor chap with far to much time on his hands.


*EDIT: Maybe there should be a Parental Advisory type warning next to that link eh?

Edit Number 2: I read more of the site. This guy is totally trying to steal George Carlin's style.

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Maddox is right, though, all he's done is taken a very good point (that U2 are the most pompous and pretentious act going at the moment) and dressed it with humour.

Very clever writer.

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Good points? Dude... EVERYTHING that author wrote on their was just BASHING RETARDED THINGS!!! Forget the hype! Forget what it's "cracked up to be"!!! Vertigo is an awesome song, though it does appear on far too many commercials (so just don't let that ruin it for you)! And the ENTIRE album was TOTALLY U2 STYLE!!! If anyone doesn't like it... OK... go listen to someone eeeeelse then! I love the whole album... "love and peace" is such a classic late 70's early 80's style, with the 80's synth the whole way through. And the author of that site... oh wow I bet HE thinks HE'S cool... OH MY... BONO'S GLASSES... I GUESS SINCE THEYRE UGLY THAT MAKES EVERY SONG ON HIS ENTIRE ALBUM STUPID!!!! wow...if that were the way the world worked................... Maybe he did make some decent points, fine, but I'm not gonna let his horribly "ad hominem" argument ruin anything for me. (He's probly just some guy in a band that was tryin to get big...and somehow U2 ruined it for him, so now he holds an eternal and unrelenting grudge against WHATEVER U2 puts cool)

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I bet that's exactly what happened.

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"love and peace" is such a classic late 70's early 80's style ENTIRE album was TOTALLY U2 STYLE!!! That's exactly what I don't like about new U2. it's "everything you expect from a U2 CD" Which is not what I expect from a band that is innovative. They're done trying new things. I think this is the big mistake all Big bands make when they try to recapture the essence of their past; they try to sound the way they used to instead of recreating themselves with the same intensity and passion that they once had.

Zeppelin changed their style a lot but they never stopped creating new sounds. From album to album they continued to innovate. It was not until after they started trying to be Led Zeppelin again that their music started to wane. (Page/Plant, Woodstock '94)

Rush continue to evolve. I don't like what they are doing but I have extreme respect that their focus on innovation has not changed. I often go back to a Rush album thinking "I didn't like it at first but it's actually a good album."

Whereas with U2 for the past 2 CD's I've found myself initially saying "wow this is great" and then thinking after a second listen that well "this really isn't that great".

It's the cookie cutter, "do it lke we used to" mentallity that leaves it lacking for me.

It makes no sense to me because breaking new ground is what they used to do. If all they're trying to do is get the same sound as they used to, it is entirely futile because it no longer breaks new ground.

Illustrious Member
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"Everything you expect from a U2 CD"........

What I expected was some bloody good music, and that's exactly what I for Bono being pretentious and a poseur, how many singers do you know who'd have the guts to get up on stage and denounce the IRA and get away with it....(Rattle and Hum).....

As far as I'm concerned, U2 are one of the most important bands in the history of rock music.....and long may they rock.....


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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Well it's only my opinion. That's where the "to me" and "for me" come into play. I can't stop you from buying their CDs.

Illustrious Member
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Innovation can't be a goal on itself, it's just the route you take to your own style/sound. And I don't think it is THAt weird to believe that U2 has stopped searching and found a place where they are comfortable. If innovation is what matters we should burn all albums of SRV, Clapton and Santana, BB King, Malmsteen, Albert King, Albert Collins, Kirk Hammett and a billion other respected musicians...

That being said: I do believe that Bono is a pompous bunghole and I don't particularly like their stuff.

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Yes U2 will always be one of the most important bands around. Was a huge, huge fan. But their best stuff was in the 80's imo. Big difference in Bono's voice. Back then he had lungs big time. He just belted out lyrics with such power. Today I just don't hear that at all. His voice doesn't have the raw power it once did. And simply their stuff just doesn't sound as good.

When they acheived the pinnacle of the rock world with joshua tree Bono & Edge decided to "tear down" their super stardom and change their sound. It nearly broke up the band. Adam and Larry couldn't and didn't want to play any differently. To their credit Actung baby was a good album, a most worthy experiment and they pulled it off. After that album I kind of wanted them to "get back" to the original sound. Man when their follow up albums zoo station and pop came out, well that was the end of that.

"The whole purpose in life is to not be bored"

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" That's exactly what I don't like about new U2. it's "everything you expect from a U2 CD" Which is not what I expect from a band that is innovative. They're done trying new things. I think this is the big mistake all Big bands make when they try to recapture the essence of their past; they try to sound the way they used to instead of recreating themselves with the same intensity and passion that they once had.

Zeppelin changed their style a lot but they never stopped creating new sounds. From album to album they continued to innovate. It was not until after they started trying to be Led Zeppelin again that their music started to wane."

If you listen to each U2 album, you can see that they all do something new and different. In fact, I would go as far to say that they have become MORE innovative with time.

They are, in a respect like Led Zeph in that. Almost to a point where you could say that the U2 or Led Zeph sound IS innovation.

As for being pompous, I seem to remember a one John Lennon who said that the Beatles were bigger than Jesus. At least Bono hasn't gotten to THAT level yet. :P

And it's hard to countinue to innovate. I mean, look at Red Dwarfs post. They started doign stuff different, so he dosen't like them anymore. It takes real guts to tear apart your 'sound' and do something new.

I'm not saying U2 is the greatest band ever. But they have been very, very influencial (in good ways and bad, in my opinion) and at least deserve some respect.

And It's quite obvious that that article is a big joke. Look at the other articles on there.

The king of rock, some say lives
the lizard king, is surely dead
the king of France, lost his head
the King of Kings... bled
( email me at esherman@wideopenwest.(com). I almost never check my hotmailaccount.

Illustrious Member
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As for being pompous, I seem to remember a one John Lennon who said that the Beatles were bigger than Jesus. At least Bono hasn't gotten to THAT level yet. :P

Taken out of context, Lennon's Jesus statement sounds pompous. But if you've seen/heard the footage, you might find it comes off more as a surprised observation on the ideals and mania of the fans, than any sort of self aggrandization.

-=tension & release=-

Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 5840 was also aimed at the decline of Christianity
"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink."
"I don't know which will go first, rock'n'roll or Christianity."

These were the words at either side of the "We're more popular than Jesus now" - popular, not bigger.

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Reputable Member
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I concur on the Lennon comment. hearing about it, I thought it was bad, when I saw it for myself, I realized it wasn't said very seriously - more in amazement.

Anyway, as for U2, I am a "greatest hits fan." To me it seems that from their last album to this one, their music hasn't changed at all. What is different about "Vertigo" and "Beautiful Day" other than the lyrics? Plus, Vertigo drives me nuts because of these simple lyrics:

"Uno, dos, tres, catorce"

Do you know what uno, dos tres, catorce means?? One, two, three, fourteen! Drives me insane every time I hear it!!

E. Sherman - If you compare Led Zeppelin to U2 ever again in your life, I will personally hunt you down and.... and well, I guess, do nothing about it but strongly protest that such a comparison could not and should not be made!

It's not easy being green.... good thing I'm purple.

Illustrious Member
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Watch out E. Sherman, it's the Purple People Eater.

I started with nothing - and I've still got most of it left.
Did you know that the word "gullible" is not in any dictionary?
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