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Who here rides a Harley?

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Famed Member
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OMG , right now , i am GASSING for a harley and an OCC...(if you call it GAS..)

Ric , if i ever get rich , which harley would you recommend for me ? (considering my height) :D

Illustrious Member
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Most any of the "cruiser" style ones would work fine for your height, Rahul. Browse on over to and drool.

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Cool , those bikes rock.

Imagine 3 guys (with me in between) , all carrying Gibson LPs or a Fender USA Strats or a Teles on a harley and going to a gig...(DROOOL , and yea , girls on the way staring and admiring you , but no , i would never stop to give a ride :twisted: )

And through this thread i have really found my bike craziness , so , in honour of harleys , occ choppers etc , and even cars and sedans , a section on Motoring is coming on the Artist Forums.

All you moto aficionados..Be there ! :wink:

Illustrious Member
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No, most of them are built fairly low to the ground, and you only have to be strong if you let it fall over.

Many years ago I was sitting at a red light in the left lane on a four lane street. A biker pulled up beside me on his Harley all dressed in leather. He gave me his, "I am bad" look. That is, until he let the bike dump over as I was watching him. I will never forget how embarrased he looked as he struggled to pick it up. :D

I have never been on a Harley, but I owned a dirt bike when I was young, even raced a little. And I have the scars to prove it (stitches over both eyes for starters). I would love to have a street bike but there is no way at today's prices. It would be great to cruise in the country.

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

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I would love to have a street bike but there is no way at today's prices.
With your track record Wes????? If I were you, I wouldn't even look at them. :P

*Note to others who never read the "injury" thread some time ago, Wes is accident prone. :lol:


Illustrious Member
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I wouldn't really say that I am accident prone. But when I was young I was very much into what they call today Extreme Sports. I skateboarded for years and was very good. Several kids in my neighborhood became pros and they learned from me. I also surfed for many years as well as my brother. I have been in huge waves.

Yes, I am a little proud. :D

I also raced a little Motocross, played football, baseball, tennis, water-skiing. I was very active. And all of these sports are risky. My many injuries were really very normal for anyone who does these things.

If you know something better than Rock and Roll, I'd like to hear it - Jerry Lee Lewis

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don't ride a Harley.....But I'd love to ride a chopper! YEAH AMERICAN CHOPPER rules!

Illustrious Member
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Ah surfing - there are a very tiny minority of people in the UK who surf regularly, there are maybe half a dozen places in the UK to surf - but let's be honest, is there anyone in the world who's ever watched a surfboarder and DIDN'T want to have a go? My guess is no.....

Sports-related injuries, I've been very lucky - only quit playing cricket a couple of years ago, the knees just couldn't take it anymore - I was a fast bowler - kind of the US equivalent of a baseball pitcher, although I think pitchers throw the ball and there's more strain on the elbow - not really sure about that one though. Strange thing, though - baseball pitchers throw from a standing start, how the hell do they generate such speed? Lots of pitchers are faster than 95mph - I can count on my thumbs the number of fast bowlers who can bowl at 95mph or above - and in cricket, a fast bowler takes a run up to generate extra speed....

But a 15 yard run-up, with a leap and a kind of un-natural twist, takes its toll on your body over the takes me about 10 minutes to get my knees working in the morning, once they're unlocked I'm OK - I can walk, run, squat, kick - but those first few mins after waking up - hell, I wish I could Sleepwalk (cue Johnny and Santos song!) then they wouldn't be as stiff.....

It would be interesting to contrast the injuries suffered by a baseball pitcher to a fast bowler in cricket.....

:D :D :D


"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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I've ridden a couple of Harleys. Not bad, I guess.

I still prefer (and miss) my old '77 Kawasaki KZ1000. That thing was wayyy too fast for a sane person. :twisted:

I had to give it up when the annual insurance cost exceeded what the bike cost me when I bought it. That happened to co-incide with the arrival of the first born male child, but I'll never blame him.

It's those danged greedy insurance weasels what made me sell off my bike!

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2004 XL custom.

Tim Madsen
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I have an '05 FLHTCUI (Ultra Classic). I've been riding Harleys (only) for 25 years. I guess I'm hooked.

As far as the Customs go, there are many, many builders out their who make sweet chops in the $30 - $40K price range.

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i would love to have a soft tail, beautiful bike 8)

even god loves rock-n-roll

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