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Cirque du Soleil - Delirium

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I was in the Spanish premier of this new show. This time (at least here) they don't use "Le Grand Chapiteau", the show was in a multi-use sport arena. I watched Dralion live, too, and several shows on DVD. Delirium is special and absolutely amazing. There are live multi-area activities as usual and, this time, there are several simultaneous projections similar to the Pink Floyd concerts. Some parts remember (at least to me) to some chapters of Gaiman's The Sandman. Lots of oniric images.

This time the musicians takes part of the show more actively. As you know, usually they play in a corner of the stage. This time they play in the middle of the scene and also move along the stage. They use a "classical" formation: drummer, bass and guitar with several added musicians in some parts of the show such as a second guitar, percussionists...

The artists, incredible. When you make or try to make some physical activity and see their facility for doing those exercises... Incredible.

Great show! Here is a link. There are a video and some audio clips.
