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she was gone in a b...
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she was gone in a blink of an eye

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Joined: 19 years ago
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She was gone in a blink of an eye
She was gone without saying good-bye
She is gone to be with him
She is gone to live in sin

I never thought we had made it
I never thought we could shake it
I never thought is she thinking of him
I never thought shed' be schemeing

You always told me to be careful
You always she was way too playful
You always said keep a short leach
You always said this girl can't be teached

She was gone in a blink of an eye
She was gone without saying good-bye
She is gone to be with him
She is gone to live in sin

She was gone in a blink of an eye
She was gone without saying good-bye
She is gone to be with him
She is gone to live in sin

You always said this girl can't be teached

You always said this girl can't be teached

You always said this girl can't be teached

She was gone in a blink of an eye


my first song ever posted while at work , it was also written at work

better go before I get caught


feeed my back pleaseeee

Here is to you as good as you are
And here is to me as bad as I am
As good as you are and as bad as I am
I'm as good as you are as bad as I am
