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SSG Week 40

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Hey guys, its been interesting to see how others have taken a few lines / a verse and put thier own spin on things in the last week!

Last night (about 2am :lol: ) I was just sitting with a pen and paper, writing anything that came to mind while wathcing TV. This morning I've read back what I wrote, and there's a couple of lines that I think I can use together with something I had last week;

We are the generation
Who care not for saints or sinners
Born into a rat race
Of which there are no winners

Whats going wrong
In this world of ours?
Fear and war
Rich and poor
Commentary provided
On a people divided

Try to bury the lies with smiles
Hiding behind false Idols
A nation run by media
Propoganda pushes the fear

I've still no idea where this is really going - any thoughts? I don't know if I even like any of it to be honest! :lol: :lol:
It's not my usual type of writing at all, and feels pretty alien to me when I try to add / change anything. Still, good to flex the ol' brain a bit more than usual eh? :D


ETD - Formerly "10141748 - Reincarnate"

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I think your strongest point is that people today do not see what's wrong with our society because they're in a rat race, and because the media misleads us. I have a couple of comments:

1. What's the nature of this rat race? Is the goal to make ends meet, to be better than other people, to fit in with other people, or something else? Is there anyone who stands outside the rat race? Can you be happy in the rat race?

2. I realized recently that the existence of a television in our living rooms makes us tolerate behavior we wouldn't stand for outside of the tv. If someone inside of the tv yells about some sale going on, we ignore it, but if they were outside of the tv, we'd tell them to shut up (unless, of course, you were actually interested). I think this is because whenever someone's being rude on tv or blatantly lying to us, we can't yell at them or smack them through the set; their power thus comes from the nature of the television medium. I think it'd be interesting to hear a song about the difference between being inside the tv and being outside it.
