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SSG Y11W45 Ain’t No...
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SSG Y11W45 Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

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SSG Y11W45 Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

God looked down at the people He made
Everyone did as they wished
He tried to find at least one righteous man
He was ready to quit

But then there was Noah
Yes, he could be saved
God told him to build an ark
A flood was coming his way

Gathered up the animals brought his family too
A one of a kind lifeboat; a traveling zoo
Building a boat in the desert sure seemed out of place
People called him crazy and laughed in his face ‘til

Ain’t no mountain high enough
Ain’t no dry ground
For 40 days and 40 nights just a drip, drip, dripping sound

Ain’t no mountain high enough
Ain’t no dry ground
For 40 days and 40 nights just water all around

It took quite a while for the rain to drain
The whole earth soggy and wet
But God will never flood the world again
The rainbow is a promise so never forget

Ain’t no mountain high enough
Can keep a rainbow down
God’s promises won’t get lost in your rainclouds of doubt

Ain’t no mountain high enough
Can keep a rainbow down
God’s love can flood your heart and still keep you on dry ground
And still keep you on dry ground

Noble Member
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Posts: 946

You have pulled off another winner. The recording could use a lot of polishing on the auto piano and drum tracks but what can we expect out of an instant song. Great adaptation of a well known story.
I think that you would have to rename it though if you tried to popularize the song. While you cannot copy write a title, well known titles create an expectation.

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Hi John,
The recording could use a lot of polishing on the auto piano and drum tracks but what can we expect out of an instant song.

Yes, it's not exactly what I was going for; at least with the drums it's way too I'm still learning there. However, I do like how it allows me to experiment with different styles easily. I spent my birthday money on expansion packs for the EZKeys. These piano parts are from the Gospel pack.
I think that you would have to rename it though if you tried to popularize the song. While you cannot copy write a title, well known titles create an expectation.
Good point, or introduce it to a new generation. I could hear this song being played at one of our elementary chapels on a Bible lesson about Noah; most elementary students studying in Thailand won't have heard the original version.....but who knows....but I do agree it's thin ice using an already established title for a new song.

Thanks for the listen and feedback :D

