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SSG Year 12 Week 26
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SSG Year 12 Week 26

1 Posts
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Hello to all!

Forgive the intrusion as I'm stepping in for Vic for what will hopefully be a short while. This won't mean that his still-to-be-announced assignment that involves the various headlines everyone's been collecting will not occur, it just will occur at a later date.

In the meantime, though, you've got a choice as to this week's assignments. You can take any one (and only one) of the following as use it as your "song seed" for the week:

A) The heart knows what it wants

B) I have some stuff I don't want to live with anymore

C) You really don't get it, do you?

D) What could be better than this?

E) It's a midnight moonlit road

Hopefully you know that by "song seed" I mean that you should use the line of your choice as a starting point. You don't have the line verbatim, but at least keep the essential flavor of it. Having the line being the very first line of the song or a tag line of the chorus might work, but as long as it makes a cameo appearance, then all's good.

As always, I look forward to reading and to listening to what you come up with.

