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SSG Year 14 Week 23
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SSG Year 14 Week 23

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Hello to all

This week's task is to take the name of one of your childhood (or current) pets and to use that as the title of your song. Or at least as one word in the title of your song. If you're looking for inspiration, go no further than Sir Paul McCartney's "Jet" (named after a puppy or a pony depending on which story you prefer) or "Martha My Dear" (named after his sheepdog).

The song doesn't have be about your pet. It can be about anything you'd like. The name is simply a starting place.

And, should you happen to have lived a pet-free life, imagine what kind of pet you might have liked to have had at some point and then imagine what you'd have named it. "George," for a rabbit, perhaps...

As always, I look forward to reading and to listening to what you come up with.

