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SSG Year 14 Week 24
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SSG Year 14 Week 24

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Hello to all.

This week's challenge is to come up with a work song. In case you're wondering just what a "work song" may be, let's save you a trip to Wikipedia:
A work song is a piece of music closely connected to a form of work, either sung while conducting a task (usually to coordinate timing) or a song linked to a task which might be a connected narrative, description, or protest song.

There are all sorts of examples of work songs throughout history - from agricultural songs to sea shanties to military marches to cowboy ballads (and even though I meant to save you the trip, you may find the Wikipedia article - - very interesting and helpful). Who knows? You might come up with the modern-day telecommuting answer to "Whistle While You Work" or "Working on the Chain Gang."

As always. I look forward to reading and to listening to what you come up with.

