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SSG2 - week 20

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my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
every time I step it up she always backs it down

I got a gal that's so cute and nice
but when it comes to lovin' she's a block of ice
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
every time I heat it up she always cools it down

now she sleeps fully clothed in a single bed
and when I tried to wake her, she just plays dead
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
every time I open it up she always shuts it down

well she's ain't loved another that's plain to see
and a blind man could see she ain't starting with me
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
every time I load up she always shoots me down

well I put up with the cold shoulder and I always will
but it'd be alot easier if she paid the cable bill
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
my gal don't mess around so I'm alone downstairs watching scrambled porn
everytime I get up she never ever gets down

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Joined: 21 years ago
Posts: 343


OK, at first I was a little taken aback at the "watching scrambled porn" but as I read on the song grew on me and I think it is actually a fun song.

I like the contrasting last lines of every verse.   I also like the line where you were wishing she paid the cable bill since you are watching scrambled porn.  There is only one line I think is a little confusing.  That's

"And a blind man would tell you she aint starting with me"

I don't get the blind man reference.  I think you are trying to say that its so easy to notice that even a blind man can see.  Maybe you could say and it goes a long with your contrasting lines;  "Even a blind man can see that she aint..."  Another suggestion maybe to use a wise man:  "It doesn't take a wise man to know she aint...."  "you don't need to be a wise man to know..."


It's not easy being green.... good thing I'm purple.
