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week 39 a

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I am not sure if this is what you had in mind but it was fun to paly with.
Behind The Garbage can An old bum strokes
A Scooby snack
While Rebecca returns home to skyscrapers
Lost in the philosophers tomato
Bertram laughs out loud
while reading a courthouse booklet
In the spirit of an onlooker
Schmitt wants to borrow money
The deficit laughs out loud
and takes another drink
How ever inside a small fruit stand
Sheriff mastodon holds a bowling ball
In a paper napkin
They are all going deep sea fishing
Then Schmitt blithe from the cough syrup
returns home and ruminates
A few dissidents operate a small fruit stand
Only to arrive at a state of philosophy

I was not able to find the 39b what was it?

Life is not what you did. It's what you are doing.

Noble Member
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39 b was open any book at a random page and use the first line on the top for a song(it's in the 'OT- has anyone heard of bob' posts).
Jamir said 'no cheating'...well...yeah I guess I did;)

like your song(can't understand much of it but that was the goal, wasn't it?), the last two lines are great.

see you

"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

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Thank You
For reading my post I will try the other one.

Life is not what you did. It's what you are doing.
