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week 39a&b "Blood on my finger" & "En

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hello folks:)

I hope Bob's alright...
nevertheless, I liked the ides of Jamir and Nick for this weeks assignment :wink: although 39a was a bit difficult first(as I understood it it should end up in a song without any sense at all :wink: ) but then I just finished something I started yesterday, it's pretty, I think, but I don't know if it applies to the assignment:)

here we go:

week 39 a (Nick):

~Blood on my finger~

Hands tied to a stone
Suspecting it
To be a crucifix

Keep your eyes closed
Lest the canopy
Of goddish relics is dazzling

It serves me well
Yeah, Jesus,
I'm a tragic sinner
Blood on my blood-stained finger

Fated earth-kisser
Prostitute of the mind
As well as a wh*re of the common kind

It serves me well
Hey, yeah, yay

Sadistic plasticine surges in
Psychic secrecy
Through the bents of your brain

Velvet-voiced TV people
Sing my lullaby
Commercial actions not defied

It serves me well
Yeah, Jesus, like you preached
I'm a tragic sinner, can't be released
Hey, yeah, yay
Blood on my finger.

week 39 b (Jamir):

(„And he had the new eyes of the Blood and I was his teacher and we all know what charm lies in that“ Blood and Gold, Anne Rice, page 192)

~Engraving of the night into naive skin~

And he had the new eyes of the Blood
A sinister lure into the depths of intimacy
And I found it most enticing
The blood skin eclipsing perfectly
The radiance of your eyes, a weak disguise
For the yawning wounds inside

You're at my disposal, I am dancing
Cracks into the tombstone of your grave
How precious, you can't refuse me now
Written off, signed by the blood you crave
Body of marble, vivid corpse, your heart roars
For humanity behind locked doors

Very well, so we are
Past all terms of beauty
As I cut you as you cut me
We redefined grotesqueness by far
All spots bruised
Not one left unharmed

I've completed this portrait
Desecration, such a fascinating process, really
Now it's plain
We are obsessed by the shattered, aren't we?

let me hear what you have to say;)

"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin

Reputable Member
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nice job on what seems like a week with one H*ll of a twist!

No matter what anyone says, these four men were the Innovators! of modern Rock & Roll!

Morse Code... Music on it's own

Illustrious Member
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Yeah,great lyrics Anne, really dark and doomy - funny thing is, the two songs seem to flow into each other like a part one and part two......god I'd hate to trade dreams with you though, mine are usually fun!!!!

Or should that be trade nightmares...........!

Don't ever give up writing stuff like this or I'll be on the next flight to Germany to kick your butt!!!!

:D :D :D

oh, and for the second song, great line but you need to find a better title.....

or at least a shorter title......



"Sometimes the beauty of music can help us all find strength to deal with all the curves life can throw us." (D. Hodge.)

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hey ya.


I wrote "engraving..." first cause I didn't know how to start this 'senseless song'thing. I wrote them maybe within an hour's time so this might be the reason they seem to flow into one another.
god I'd hate to trade dreams with you though, mine are usually fun!!!!

Or should that be trade nightmares...........!
ha, exactly;) no...I dunno sometimes they are nightmares...anyway sad songs make me happy like Ville Valo said some time ago(that's not exactly what he said but it was something like this)...and 'scary' songs tend to do that, too

don't you like the title? :cry: I found it suitable(it's like 2nd verse line #4)

bye :wink:

"oh, eventually it will break your heart" - anders wendin
